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Sasuke's POV

Right now I'm half sleep and Yuki just woke me up

"Hn?" I mumbled

"Sasuke... Sasuke wake up." Yuki said and I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Why are you up walking around it's late." I said

"I know but... I think my water just broke..." Yuki said and my eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" I yelled while shooting up in the bed.

"I don't know...my leg....I was dripping water from there but I didn't feel any pain I had no contractions after either so I'm not really sure." Yuki said

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes I'm okay." Yuki said and I sat on the edge of the bed.

"This would've been way better if we were home." I muttered

"Yea our hospital bags are there should I go get them? I can go get them really quick." Yuki said and my eyes widened

"No I got it I can go get them just sit here and relax I promise I'll be quick." I said while getting up.

"But I want to be with you... What if I start having contractions when you're not here." Yuki whinned

"I promise I'll be quick I promise." I said while getting up. "You should just lay down I'll see if anyone is up and I'll send them to you're aid while I'm gone okay text me if anything and I mean if anything happens please text me." I said and she smiles at me while kissing me.

"Just get there safe and get back to me quickly." Yuki said and I held her hand and kisses her belly soon rubbing it after.

"I will." I said while walking out the room. I walked down the hallway towards the stairs to see Kei leaning on them.

"Why are you up right now?" I asked

"Well I heard yelling so I was going to check it out... I'm the only light sleeper in the house so I get woken up pretty often..." Kei said

"Well since you're the only one awake I need you to do me a favor." I said

"Why me?" He asked

"I just said since you we're the only one awake..." I said "Try to keep up with me here okay I need you to watch over Yuki while I'm gone." I said

"Why is she okay?" Kei asked

"Her water broke I just need you to watch over her." I said

"Why take her to the hospital!" Kei yelled

"They won't let her in unless the contractions are at least 5 minutes apart her water just broke. Now please watch her I have to get our things from home." I said while running down the stairs.

Yuki's POV

  I was sitting on the bed like Sasuke told me too until I was finally hit with my first contraction.

"Oh...wow... I....." I tired to say but my my words just wouldn't come out. I changed the position on how I was laying but nothing worked.

"Yuki?" Someone asked through the door. They knocked on it then opened it slowly.

I grabbed the sheets and balled it into my fist.

"Hey...did you start contracting?" My brother asked and I nodded but then after a while it went away. And I sighed really loud.

"I'm use to pain at this point but this... This Is some next level bullshit!" I yelled and Kei's eyes widen.

"I couldn't even imagine..." Kei said while rolling his eyes.

𝙽𝚘 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 {𝕊𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔} Where stories live. Discover now