Let's go a little further with Yuki and her friends into adulthood shall we. Will Aiko come back to ruin her life or Will she marry Sasuke? Will she finally tell the world who she really is? Read the book to find out!
Well I'm now getting ready to leave college I've had fun here but it's now my time to return home to my friends and Sasuke
I pack up the last of my things in my dorm and soon gets dressed in order to take the box to my car.
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I walk out of my dorm with the last box in my arms then I walk back down to my car bumping into my friend Lilly on the way.
"Hey Abe you already heading back home?" Lilly asked
"Yea I promised my best friend once I finished all my years in college that I'll come straight back home." Yuki said
"Aww I wanted to hang out with you for a little bit." Lilly said while pouting and I turn around to look at her.
"Maybe we'll meet some day in the future Lilly. I have to leave now so I can go ahead and meet my Family." Yuki said and Lilly nods while coming up to me hugging me and I hug her back.
"Okay I understand see you sometime in the future Yuki." Lilly said while waving at me and I wave back while getting into my car driving back home.
(Okay so right about now in the story Yuki is 23 she's done with college and now she's heading back home to her family she's more mature as a women and she dyed her hair red kind of like the pic
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(I don't know who this girl is but she's kinda cute😂 but that's how Yuki's hair Is btw)
A few hours later of driving Yuki pulled up into her parents driveway.
And Mai comes out almost destroying the front door. I put the car in park and open the car door looking around making sure nothing changed then I finally look towards the front door seeing Mai. look at Mai she's gotten so big my god And her hair has gotten hella long well it has been a while since I've seen her.
"Is that my gorgeous little sister?" Yuki said and she runs over to me giving me a big hug not letting go what so ever.