Are You Serious?!

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All the Japanese in this chapter is from google translate I don't know if it's right😂 so....sorry if it's wrong I tried but you know yea I'll tell you what she said or what she tried to say in the story as well so don't worry! ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
Yuki's Pov

"It's about Sasuke he's engaged to someone else..." Mio said and my eyes widened. What the hell is she talking about engaged to someone else?

"Well duh he's still engaged to me I still have the ring from our graduation night." Yuki said

"No Yuki His mother made him get engaged to someone else." Mio said all I look over to Naruto since he's Sasuke best friend and he averted my gaze.

"Are you serious right now?" Yuki said while balling my fist up

"Yuki-" Mio said I cut her off immediately.

"Where is he staying now?" Yuki asked

"His parents have him staying in their house for the time being." Mio said

"Do they still stay in the same place?" Yuki asked

"Yea nothing changed with the Uchihas." Naruto said

And Yuki looks down. Who is the girl that impressed Mikoto I thought she liked me?

"Hey I can drive you there if you don't remember the way." Naruto offered and I Politely declined his offer.

"No I still remember but thanks. I think it's best if I go alone anyways." Yuki said
"Who is this girl anyways?" Yuki asked

"She's a business woman she has a lot of businesses around here but I heard she's a big Fan of yours." Mio said

"I don't care I'm kind of pissed right now I haven't felt this way since someone tried to rob me for my shit." Yuki said and their eyes widened "it's a story for another time but I'll head over to Sasuke's to figure out What the fucks going on." Yuki said and Mio comes to me and hugs me.

"Wait before you leave where are you staying you have no houses here." Mio said

"Well I was going to stay with My husband for a bit but I guess I'll have to stay in a hotel then." Yuki said

"No! Your welcome back here you know I wouldn't Mind you staying here with me until you get your house." Mio said and I smile.

"We'll see Mio.... We'll see." Yuki said while walking out of Mios house into her car Sighing. What the actual fuck I was going to say yes too. Why do they have to be so impatient? What am I saying... I was too late..

Yuki drove of towards the Uchihas family home and she parks on the side of the road getting out quickly. Then someone comes up to me.

"Ms.Abe W-what are you doing here?" The maid said

"I'm here to see my fiance Sasuke Uchiha." Yuki said

"But he isn't allowed visitors at this time miss." The Maid said

"I don't care here take my car and park it right. If you try to steal anything from my car I'll call the police. The car has a tracking device in it. So I will know immediately if you try to steal anything from me. And don't try to look for the tracking device because it was build into the car." Yuki said while looking at her dead in the eyes handing her the keys "When your done give them back to me. Now get me someone out here to help me find Sasuke now!" Yuki yelled almost scaring her and she immediately presses the button on her uniform for more help and Sasukes main butler comes Rushing out side to help.

𝙽𝚘 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 {𝕊𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔} Where stories live. Discover now