A little time w/ my fiance's family

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Yuki's POV

"So what's up with you?" I asked Sakura and she looks at me

"Huh?" She said

"Well your tailing me like a lost puppy so I was just wondering." Yuki said

"It's just that I'm trying not to make things worse than they already are with you guys... I'm trying to do as you say since your helping me out." Sakura said
and I look at her

"That's a first." Yuki said and she nods with out snapping back

"I know..." Sakura said and my eyes widen

"Yea you've definitely changed no snap back?! What? This is just weird you usually yell at me when you think I'm talking shit." Yuki said

"Well I've grown I'm an adult I learned how to just deal with it." Sakura said
"Oh and by the way... Um I don't really like  Sasuke anymore..." Sakura said

"What?!" Yuki yelled and Sakura nodded

"Yea I've moved on for the better." Sakura said and I nod

"That's good to hear so you can now be around him?" Yuki asked and Sakura nods "okay we'll test that then and since were not really arguing I'm just going to say this I don't know if you still say it but don't call him Sasuke~kun he hates it just call him Sasuke he'll be surprised but at least he won't be annoyed anymore." Yuki said

"Okay yea we can try it and I'll do just that." Sakura said

"Okay come on." Yuki said while taking her hand in hers and leading her down to the living room she walks up to the group of people and Yuki sits Sakura next to Sasuke to see how she acts and Sasuke's eyes widen and he looks at me

And I look at him with a look telling him I know what I'm doing and everything is going to be fine "Sakura have you eaten?" Yuki asked and she shakes her head no

"Well I'm about to go cook I'll be back in a little while." Yuki said while heading into the kitchen

Sasukes POV

"So Sasuke what's next on the list of getting you out of the engagement with that Akira girl." Naruto said

"Well me and Yuki actually have a lot to do we have to model for her moms new fashion collection then we have to also do this interview and also she's trying to get Syink to do some interviews for her family to boost it up so we have a lot but tomorrow... I have to deal with her mom." Sasuke said and Sakura looks at me

"Don't screw it up." Sakura said and Sasuke looks her way

"What?" Sasuke said

"I said don't screw it up Sasuke." Sakura said and my eyes widen and so does everyone else's

"So your finally calling me Sasuke after all these years. Of you calling me Sasuke-kun" Sasuke said

"Yea Yuki said you didn't like it so I'm not doing it anymore I just want to make amends." Sakura said and Sasuke just looks at Sakura kind of happy to know that she's not all over him

"Well Yuki wasn't wrong when she said I didn't like it so thanks for stopping." Sasuke said and she looks up at him and smiles

"No problem." Sakura said

[An hour later]

Yuki comes out of the kitchen with this big pan of food then puts it on the dinning room table

And Mio comes up to me and looks at what I cooked

"Ooh that looks good." Mio said and I looked at her

𝙽𝚘 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 {𝕊𝕒𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔} Where stories live. Discover now