Let's go a little further with Yuki and her friends into adulthood shall we. Will Aiko come back to ruin her life or Will she marry Sasuke? Will she finally tell the world who she really is? Read the book to find out!
Right now at this moment we're at Rinji's house since it was the cleanest and since Kenzo hasn't really been anywhere we wanted the place to be nice and tidy.
(Rinji's place)
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"Alright now let's just go inside." I said while getting out.
"Whoa I've never been to Rinji's place before this is going to be a totally new atmosphere for me... Kind of nervous actually." Sasuke said while turning the car off.
"Trust me I'm bearly here as well but there's nothing really to be nervous about Rinji is still the same silly guy he always is." I said while heading to the back getting his diaper bag.
"Oh Yuki!" Rinji yelled out and my eyes widened. He ran over to me and gave me one big hug almost making me tumble over.
"Whoa will you like calm down!" I yelped
"I haven't seen my baby sister in a whole month how do you expect me to calm down." Rinji said while pouting and then Kenzo started crying and Rinji's eyes widen.
"Is that?" Rinji asked and I looked back to check on him only to see Sasuke handling everything.
"Yes thats Kenzo Uchiha." I said and Rinji's eyes started sparkling.
"You know you can't see his face until we bring him inside right?" I asked and then Rinji started pouting again.
"Ugh fine I'll just meet you inside." Rinji said while taking the baby bag from me bringing it inside and so Sasuke grabbed the car seat with Kenzo inside and brought him in.
Inside the house
Sasuke sits the car seat down and everyone's eyes widen.
"My nephew is here~ I can't believe it!" Mai yelled and she soon runs up to us but my mom stops her.
"I've been waiting for a month to hold him."
"At least you were there when he was born I haven't seen him at all let me go first I'm her father." My dad said and I looked at him gently.
"You're right come on you go first." I said while walking over to his car seat soon picking him up handing him over to my dad and his eyes widened.
"Aww honey look he looks just like our baby girl." My dad said while walking over to my mom and she looks down and him shakes his little hand.
"Hello I'm your grandma. It's so nice to finally see you." She said and he smiles at her while squirming around in his arms.
"My turn let me hold him." Mai said while gently taking him out of my dad arms.
"Please don't snatch him he's still not use to you guys." I spat out and Mai just totally ignores me.
"Look at how cute you are! Looking just like your dad." She said and Sasuke shakes his head.
"Don't." I said and he began pouting again but deep down inside I Was laughing my ass off.
"He's so cuteee!" My sister squealed and Kenzos eyes widened soon making an annoyed face and so does my brother Kei.
"Hahahaha oh man that's hilarious babe look Kei and Kenzo they look alike that face." I said while laughing and Sasuke started to laugh to.
"Aww my baby is she being to loud?" Sasuke asked Kenzo and he looked at him soon reaching for him.
"Looks like he wants to go back to his dada." My mom said
"Noooo it's my turn to hold my nephew! Kenzooo uncle Rinji is here to make your day." Rinji said while taking him out of Mai's arms and he immediately starts talking with Kenzo being silly as usual.
"You know this is not bad." I muttered and Sasuke came behind me and wrapped both of his arms around my waist.
"Yea you're right to see everyone with Kenzo it's refreshing and hilarious you can tell exactly what he's thinking he's just like us with his facial expressions." Sasuke said while laughing a bit.
"Ah your right I remember in high school when you were pissed you would always have this scowl on your face with a vein popping out of your forehead." I said while giggling
"Wow I didn't know you paid that much attention to me actually." Sasuke said while burrying his face in my neck.
"Of course why would I not when I was so into you?" I asked and the Sasuke groaned in embassment.
"Your to adorable please stop it your making me look like a tomato over here." Sasuke said while kissing my neck and I sigh.
"Oh stop being a baby." I said while gushing about him. "Your being to adorable."
"Stop itttt!" Sasuke whinned and everyone started laughing at our friendly banter.
"Baby." Ai spoke and my eyes widened she pointed to Kenzo.
"My cousin!" Haia yelled while running past Ai coming up to me. "Can I hold him please auntie Yuki!"Haia asked and my eyes widened.
"sure here make sure you support his head like you did with your sister remember?" Rinji said while helping Haia hold Kenzo.
"Wow he's so light." Haia said I smiled
"Sadly he won't be that small forever." My mom said and I smiled.
"Yea but it'll be fine I don't mind Kenzo growing because the older he gets the more stuff I'll be getting to do with him and sasuke I'm kind of excited." I said while blushing while grinning at my mom and her eyes widened.
"Wow you've grown so much Yuki... I remember you use to hate change when you were little...you would always hate it when Rinji and Kei would grow up you never really liked the fact of them changing." My mom said and I smiled and looked away in embassment.
"Yea she would always try and shink us back down with a pouty face stained with tears." Rinji said and Kei chuckles to himself remembering it himself.
"Haha really? That's really cute you know and sad at the same time but trust me Yuki we'll only change together okay." Sasuke said and I smiled a bit.