Let's go a little further with Yuki and her friends into adulthood shall we. Will Aiko come back to ruin her life or Will she marry Sasuke? Will she finally tell the world who she really is? Read the book to find out!
Right now it's the next day and I'm happy that Mio is going to be coming with us for something big!
"Hey Yuki are you ready?" Mio asked me and I shook my head no.
"I have to get my water bottle." I said and Sasuke walks up behind me and puts it into my purse.
"Already ahead of you." Sasuke said while smirking at me and I started pouting.
"Now are you ready to go I want to see it now! I can't believe I'm going with you guys for this!" Mio said while grabbing my had dragging me to Sasuke's car and Sasuke sighs while following behind us.
I get into the front seat and Sasuke gets into the front while Mio gets in the back but sits in the middle.
"Sooo about your gender reveal you wanted it outside or inside?" Mio asked me.
"I was thinking about having it outside I had enough of being indoors." I muttered
And Sasuke starts driving the car to the hospital while me and Mio were talking about the gender reveal stuff.
Once we got there we signed into to the clinic and went to sit down in the waiting room.
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"Luckly there's not really a lot of people here that's paying attention... But Sasuke does still stick out." I said and Sasuke looks at me full of confusion.
"What are you talking about?" He asked and I looked at the receptionist just staring at him and he looks at what I'm looking at and the lady blushes and looks away immediately.
Then he turns back to me and I just sigh at him. "I can't help that only thing I have eyes for is you." Sasuke said while kissing my cheek and I blush.
"You guys are so cute..." Mio muttered while secretly taking pictures.
"Come on Mio pictures?" I whinned and she whinned back.
"I'm not deleting them I want to keep it!" Mio yelled and I sighed trying not to attract anymore attention.
"Fine fine have you're photos..." I muttered and Sasuke rubs my belly and I lean on his shoulder. Until the nurse comes to get us.
"Yuki!" Our nurse yelled at us coming up to me hugging me. While I'm sitting down and my eyes widened.
"Uhh were in the waiting room!" I yelled in embarrassment and Sasuke pulled her off me and she pouted.
"You didn't even hug me back...I haven't seen you in weeks..." She said while almost crying and my eyes widened.
"Well a lot of things happened I'll tell you later but can we go to the back now...people are staring." I muttered and she finally lead us to the ultrasound room.