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My name is Cashmere. I am sixteen years old. I have a brother Gloss whose two years older than me. We go to Panem High School and are very popular. My brother has a girlfriend and I'm not in a relationship nor am I looking for one. I'm finishing getting dressed for school. I decided to wear my black leather pants, black leather jacket, and red crop top. I put on my black ankle boots. For my makeup I do a smokey eye with dark red lipstick. I also just curl my hair.

"Cashmere come on it's time for school!" My brother tells me.

"Coming!" I tell him.

"Why do you always dress like a vampire?" Gloss asks me.

"Because Gloss, we are vampires and I think it's time we let it show," I tell him with a shrug.

"You know we can't," he tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Let's just go," I say and we walk out of the house.

At School
Me and Gloss arrive and go and meet up with our friends at our usual spot.

"Cashmere! Gloss!" Finnick yells. We go over to them.

After a few minutes Gloss's girlfriend, Lexi, walks over.

"Hey guys!" Lexi says.

"Hey Lexi," I say. Lexi is also a vampire and she knows about us.

Her and Gloss walk off.

"Hey Cashmere why do you always wear black and red?" Glimmer asks me.

"Because it's my style," I say with a shrug.

First Class
We are all in our first class and I have this class with Lexi. For some reason we were all separated this year. I have one friend in each class. Me and Lexi sit beside each other.

"Hey Cashmere have you been hunting yet?" Lexi whispers in my ear.

"No have you?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"It's really frustrating when all you eat is animal blood," I whisper in her ear.

"I mean it wouldn't hurt to eat human blood and we are in a room full of humans," Lexi whispers back.

"True but Gloss doesn't want us getting exposed," I whisper and roll my eyes.

"Who cares? He isn't in here," Lexi whispers.

"There's cameras in here Lexi," I tell her.

"Ugh fine," she says.

"But after school we can go hunt," I tell her and smirk and she smirks in response.

After School
I'm at my locker right now. I feel someone touch my shoulder and as I turn around visions flash through my head and they aren't good.

"Oh hey Aiden. What do you want?" I ask.

"To talk to you," he says.

"Why?" I ask him.

He scratches the back of his neck; nervously.

"I wanted to know if you would like to go out this weekend?" he asks me; nervously.

Aiden is the captain of the football team and is as popular as me and Gloss.

"I'm sorry Aiden but I'm not looking for a relationship with anyone right now," I tell him.

"It's fine Cashmere," he says and walks off.

I stand at my locker for a little while longer.

"Cashmere are you ready?" Lexi asks walking up with Gloss.

"Yea let's go!" I say and we walk out of the school and go to the woods.

Hey guys!! New story!! I hope you guys like the idea of Cashmere and Gloss being vampires. Plz let me know y'all's thoughts on this idea and if I should continue with this story or just delete it.

Vampires in Panem High (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now