A Gift

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Chapter 1

A Gift

Soft Christmas music played over the light humming of the tall monk as he placed another balb on the tree. He looked around at the pig demon who brought out some more cookies. Pigsy was on a roll with the baked goods. He was almost always cooking something, it was a passion of his and he loved it. Tang couldn't blame him, Pigsy was a great chef.

"Here, try these ones." He said as he put a small gingerbread...was that him? Tang giggled as he looked at the tiny Tang and looked up at Pigsy.

"Oh, must I? He looks too good to eat." He blew the steam on the cookie and took a bite. It was like magic exploded into a universe of flavor within his mouth. Tang melted back into his seat on the couch.

Across the street though, there stood a woman. Within her arms lay an infant swaddled in red robes. The little boy slept on, oblivious to the world around him. Not the white snow falling, nor the light music playing over the town speakers.

"Are you sure about this Guanyin?" The boy stood just behind him with a spear made of fire. He had been sent to protect her as the world around them had changed greatly since the journey west.

"It is where he belongs." She whispered. "For one day, he will come across a relic of the past. He will be called upon to protect humanity in their greatest hours of need." Guanyin ran her fingers over the boy's forehead and kissed it. There lay a small protection charm. One that would see him through until he took hold of the staff.

"But these two? They aren't anyone that could protect him." Nezha was rather confused and it wasn't much of a thought as to why she was laying the boy into the deep snow on the steps in front of the door.

"They aren't as powerless as you think, as their incarnations are the ones who went west." This was news to Nezha as he wasn't aware they even reincarnated. "Who better to guide the next wielder of the staff than those who knew Wukong best?" She reached out and pulled the blanket tighter around the boy.

"Live well, little Monkey Prince."

Pigsy loved this time of year, all the foods, lights, the cold...all of which allowed him to pull Tang closer to him. Just sit and watch the snow fall. It was much too cold, and he couldn't even pull open the door to open the noodle shop. He'd have to get out there with a torch later, but for now he just wanted to drink his mug of cocoa and hold Tang close. The light melody of Christmas music filled the air.

Tang almost fell asleep like that, the warmth of Pigsy, and the atmosphere created a nice relaxed feeling. It was ruined by the crying just outside the apartment door. It caused him to jump and look around. Pigsy's posture changed to almost a challenging, or protective look.

Pigsy stood up and slowly walked to the door. He opened it a crack not wanting the harsh winter air to mix with his comfortable atmosphere. If they were lucky it was just a cold cat. When he opened the door what welcomed his eyes was not a cat, but a bundle that was wiggling around on his front step.

Tang looked over his shoulder, a slight gasp escaped his lips as he watched his partner bend down and pick up the cold infant from the freezing step. Tang looked around outside to see if he could see where the parents went. The one thing he noticed above all else...there were no footprints in the snow leading to the apartment.

Tang turned and closed the door. He watched as Pigsy walked over to the fireplace and sat down. His fingers wrapping around the infant's toes, and hands. The blanket a few feet away soaked from the snow. Pigsy almost looked angry about the state of the child.


"People don't know how to treat a kid, at least put him into a box first. Kids soaked to the bone. Here go grab one of your shirts. I'm going to give him a bath." Pigsy got up and walked toward the bathroom, but instead of the bathtub, he turned on the sink.

Tang walked back in to see Pigsy with the kid in the bath. His hand supported his head and back while the other lightly poured water onto his tiny body.

"You know a lot about kids?" Tang put down the shirt and a small towel onto the warmer.

"Eh, I have my fair share of siblings." He said, running his fingers over the boy's head. His caramel eyes looked between the Pig man, and Tang.

"He can't be more then...a month old, give or take. What are we going to do with him?" Tang asked.

"You noticed didn't you? The two watching us from the roof top across the street?"

"I noticed that there weren't any footprints in the snow." Tang mused. Pigsy looked at his partner.

"The gods granted him to us Tang...are we just going to throw away the one thing the gods gave us? He's our son Tang." Pigsy almost looked possessive of the boy. Tang thought it was a little...sweet. Pigsy never seemed like the type to just want kids all of the sudden.

"How long have you been praying for children?" He held out the warmed towel.

"I donno...since I saw you...the idea of having kids was kind of a given with a relationship. I just figured we'd have gone to an orphanage when we got more stable...but it looks like the kids came to us." He chuckled, placing the kid into Tang's arms. Tang ran the towel over the boy and rubbed it through his hair.

"Well...he'll need a name." Tang said.

"Ah, no I'm terrible with names. I think that's your department." He chuckled looking down at the little boy and then realized something as his partner was pulling the shirt over his head. The shirt on him looked like a saggy baggy elephant.

"Come on, let's get our boots, and jackets on. The kids gonna need some things from the store."

"Alright let's find you a nice thick blanket to put you in. It's really cold outside Xiaotian." Tang nuzzled the infant.

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