「 seven 」

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Another cloudy afternoon, another day on filming

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Another cloudy afternoon, another day on filming. The four guests once again are in the same white room that were filled with different lightings and cameras. After the great feedback from the previous episode, the viewers seemed to love the four guests and never thought they will never see them in one set, but thank god the producers thought of putting the suhs and the kims on one show, the chemistry of the pair of siblings is pure immaculate and entertaining to both fans and netizens.

The two hosts asked the four guests' reactions on the public streaming of the episode, getting different and yet satisfied answers from the four. Hani and Heechul then question how the four were on the short break from filming; only Gongmyung  was the busiest among the four guests because he's currently filming his upcoming drama, the two groupmates were resting after loveholic promotions while the youngest among them is basically jobless for eight months. 

With the script, the two hosts officially start the show proper. The two hosts were seated on the left side of the set while the rest were on the right part. The sitting arrangement of the four is at follows: Johnny on the very left and a few distance near the hosts, Jena, Gongmyung, and Doyoung is on the edge of the set. 

Without further a do, the hosts started the new episode on a talk about dating, wherein it made Doyoung and Jena sit uncomfortably on their own places. Hani did the opening speech and explained how siblings barely cared on whoever who is dating, but will be in protective mode upon hearing how their siblings are mistreated by their significant other, Heechul follows up and unexpectedly ask Johnny on his opinion when Jena will start dating (which is funny when the younger suh is already dating someone in the room but can't say that out loud).

"After jyp entertainment lifts the dating ban from your sister, would you allowed Jena to date someone, Johnny?" Heechul asks the said suh, leaning closely to the male and smiling slyly to him.

Doyoung squints his eyes in pure confusion from the question of the senior, the last time he remembers that his girlfriend is free from the ban and is allowed to date who she please. He took a quick glance towards the younger suh, the two exchanging eye contact and Jena herself is also confused on the statement but didn't dare to correct the senior, it will be an obvious sign if she did elucidate her situation.

Johnny, who caught Jena staring over Doyoung, didn't mind the two and guess it was just pure coincidence, not really suspecting the two. He diverted his focus to Heechul, biting his lip slightly whilst his mind thinking of an answer, well, he just did that for the time being because he already have an answer to the question. And of course, he won't allow her just yet. "I'll let her  date when she's thirty."

The younger suh immediately face the older with wide eyes, brows creased at the answer. "Are you insane?" She gasped, incredulous on her brother's words. Although there's no point of Jena to react that much since she's dating Doyoung behind her brother's back, there's no way that Johnny will that bizarre, but again he's Johnny Suh, what do ya'll expect? "You're way stricter than dad!" She whined loudly, earning a laugh from Gongmyung but she ignored it.

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