「 twenty three 」

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"Johnny can you please grab the square canvas for me?"

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"Johnny can you please grab the square canvas for me?"

The said male internally groaned and did an eye roll, teeth gritted as he did the request given to him. Johnny crossed his arms and let out an annoyed huff, deep inside he was sulking and was expecting an apology from his sister, still frustrated from the fact Jena was neglecting her health and drowning herself along with bad habits such as drinking and smoking, which he clearly forbids. He was genuinely concerned for the younger but it pissed him off when her stubbornness got the best of her. He was doing best to take care of her but she wasn't doing her part in actually taking care of herself and did quite the opposite. But despite his frustration, he couldn't get mad at her, he may also be annoying and yet like he said, it's his form of affection which Jena often misunderstoods.

The older studies Jena as he walks behind her back with a long face, looking like an annoyed cat  following its wicked owner but regardless, still devoted and supportive for his master. Johnny ran his enormous hands onto the mall aisle and let his fingers get in contact with whatever item it can bump on, pout uttered as he watched his sister grab some varieties of paint on the basket Johnny was holding for her. "Why are you buying paint again?"

"A gift for a—" she answers, halting both her words and her action on grabbing onto the different shades of green, biting her lip to cover up the flustering mess her cheeks is producing, tilting her face to the side and scratching her nape. "For a friend."

Johnny observed his sister fiddling onto different brands and shades of acrylic paint, avoiding his gaze which was obvious. He let out a sly smirk and placed down the basket he's holding, placing his hands inside his pocket. "But feels like it isn't just a friend." he said tauntly, smirk turning into a smug smile when she finally faced him, a hand holding onto a paint brush from the basket and brushing the bristles onto Jena's cheeks.

"Ugh don't do that to the brush, you're literally destroying it." Jena scolds him and steals the brush and places it back in the basket. After almost a minute she took four different shades of green and carefully put it on the basket, pulling the basket for her to carry. "If I knew you'd be this annoying, I couldn't have agreed for you to tag along instead."

He then retrieved the basket from the younger before he defended himself. "Uh excuse me, you invited me to tag along." Johnny asserted with his brows creased, pairing it with a malicious smile.

"Uh excuse you, let me remind you that you forced me to let you tag along with me." Jena clarifies, emphasizing her words of reason, patently recalling that she was supposed to be go art shopping alone and never have plans to invite anyone, only to get provoked by her brother interrogating her whereabouts; being nosy on Jena and annoying her with all his might, making the siblings ending up with each other in a small aisle full of stationery and art materials. 

The suhs shrugged and continued their day with each other; mostly Johnny aggravate the peaceful life of his sister as if he was getting paid to do so (which he isn't and just teasing his sister). Jena scratched her palms with her fingers turned into fists at how irritated she was on the older's antics, her patience and composure being tested with her sibling and Johnny calling her by her middle name was the last straw for her to snap.

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