「 epilogue 」

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Jena has herself curled in between the thick sheets of her comforter, eyes fixated over a large screen on her lap

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Jena has herself curled in between the thick sheets of her comforter, eyes fixated over a large screen on her lap. She smiles and shakes her head,  "But babe, you shouldn't have, this is too much." She protests, whining at Doyoung’s love for spoiling her, not that she isn’t grateful, but for her it is too much. Jena had been voicing her desire to buy herself an ipad but always passed it down to purchase because she only wanted it.

"How is it too much when I know my baby deserves it?"  Doyoung replies in the other line and chuckles, making the suh melt within her bed by his words. "And besides, I love spoiling you." he coaxes her doubt to easen.

"What are you, a sugar daddy?" Jena jokes whilst lying within the bedsheets, finding herself choking on laughter on hearing his bold reply.

"Yeah maybe, maybe I am one."

In the dim lighted room of a Jena Jane is the mentioned suh laughing in the bold words of the kim, reddening tint settling in her cheeks on hearing the cocky behavior he's having. Always in the constant flush on the flirty attitude Doyoung has been giving ever since she started the tour and couldn't help but to be surprised every time he does act bold since he isn't that overly confident on flirting repeatedly.

The two were at it again on the regular phone calls as if they hadn't seen one another earlier, having to breathe peacefully without anyone intruding their conversation. The couple were already used their own customs on having their own talk as lovers without any people hearing them, being too precautious in every nasty or wild thing they could ever say and just their own random talk in general. Already grew and loved the littlest privacy they can have in their non-private life and job as korean idols.

The party the boys throwed was relaxing yet fun, the quality time on spending with the boys and listening to their conversation was entertaining; the chit chats of their anticipated nct 2021 comeback and their rehearsal in their the link concert intrigued her to be excited and the boys eventually ask her to come in their three day concert. Another part that made her day complete is that some of the boys even made an effort to buy gifts for her. Taeyong gave her three canvases, Taeil bought her a nintendo switch case and the most memorable gift of all was a box. 

"I didn't know what to get you so I bought you this box." Haechan chips brightly, handing her an actual box that earned a laugh from the rest.

With his witty ideas to make a laugh, Haechan obviously didn't forget to give her something (but openly admitted that maybe she needed a box for her presents making it a win-win for the two of them). Turns out, Mark and Haechan bought her a sakura tree lego set and a lego bouquet, Mark even agreeing to prank Jena on gifting her a box just because he know Haechan can pull it off.

After the party with the boys, Johnny and Doyoung brought her back to her dorms. As soon as she opens the door, she was then greeted with the girls; Chaewon specifically holding her a log cake with a bashful smile. The girls wouldn't want to lose to the boys and threw her a party, a birthday party and welcome back party in one. They immediately hug her and murmured how much they miss her, Kyun and Hany announcing that Chaewon miss her precious Jena the most from all of them.

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