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I was walking down the hallway when I saw Iwa-chan talking to some girl. He was leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed, one leg propped against the locker and she was leaning on her side against the lockers with her arms crossed.
I was surprised to see Iwaizumi laugh. I don't know why but something twisted in my stomach and I narrowed my eyes. Who was that girl? Was she Iwa-chan's girlfriend? But why wouldn't he tell me if he got a girlfriend? We weren't on bad terms but we did stop spending a lot of time together since I started dating Hana. Actually it felt like he had one or the other reason not to hang out with me. But still I was his best friend, why wouldn't he tell me if he was dating?
I was about to make my way to them but then Hana's voice stopped me and I turned to look at her.
"Oikawa come, let's go to the next class together." She wore a small smile. Many were surprised when I started dating Hana. She was smart and mature, the complete opposite of me. She wasn't particularly beautiful or hot by conventional standards. Too tall for a girl, not curvy blah blah. But what drew me to her wasn't her beauty but her calm and understanding manner. She didn't sugarcoat anything and called me out when she thought I was doing something wrong. That's why I liked her cause she seemed like she could take care of me and keep me in line. Plus it wasn't everyday Iwa-chan approved of the girls I dated. She was like the female Iwa-chan. Wait, where did that thought come from?
During practice I couldn't help but steal glances at Iwaizumi. I was pretty distracted and most of my serves were going out of bounds. I wasn't upset about the fact that he got a girlfriend. I mean it wasn't surprising Iwa-chan despite seeming scary was kind, sweet and cares a lot. And he was handsome.
My eyes swept over his toned arms and as he jumped to spike his shirt rode up and I got a peek at his defined abs. And I bet his ass was also — "Oikawa!!" The ball hit me on the side of my face and I fell backward. I lay down stunned for a few seconds. What the hell was I thinking just before I got hit?
Suddenly a face obstructed my view of the ceiling. "Oi shittykawa are you alright?" As I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help but think when did my angry chubby runny nosed Iwa-chan grow up? "Oi Oikawa!" He was waving his hand in front of my face and I snapped out of my daze.
"Ah yeah I'm fine I'm fine. " I got up and gave him my signature tongue out smile. "Aww was Iwa-chan worried about me?" I fluttered my eyelashes at him. He punched me in the stomach.
"Iwa-chaaan! That hurt!" I was keeled over holding my stomach.
"Take rest for the rest of the day. Your head is clearly not in the game." He said without turning his head.
"No no I'm fine." I decided to talk to him after practice and finally concentrated on the game. After all, my love for volleyball could never be overshadowed by anything.
After practice I was walking back home with Iwa-chan when I decided to ask. "Iwa-chan we're still best friends right?"
"Iwa-chan!!" I stared at him aghast. I knew he was joking but that didn't mean it didn't choke my heart.
He hit my head. "Baka of course we're friends."
I felt relief wash through me. I rubbed my head where he hit me and pouted. "Don't joke about that Iwa-chan! You're too mean! I almost got a heart attack. See how fast my heart is beating because of you." I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest.
"Would've been a good riddance. " He withdrew his hand and walked a little faster looking in the other direction.
"Iwaaaa-chaaaan!" I stopped walking and whined pouting. He looked back and sighed.
"C'mon it's going to get dark soon." I ran to catch up with him. I was silently walking beside him thinking until someone hit me on my head.
"Don't think so much your head will burst." I pouted and glared at him. He sighs, "What's bothering you so much? "
I bit my lip but then decided to just say it. " Do you have a girlfriend?" He trips on his own feet.
"Wha-Why would you ask that?!" He looked at me shocked.
"So it's true?" Something in me clenched. We both had stopped walking right now and were just staring at each other. But then Iwa-chan sighs and shakes his head.
"You're such an oblivious insensitive idiot you know that?" I looked at him clueless. What does he mean? I opened my mouth to ask but he opened his mouth and started walking away. "Anyway I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know where you got the idea from."
"I-I saw you talking to this girl standing kinda close near the lockers."
"So any girl I talk to becomes my girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No, I mean you were laughing at what she said." I say desperately.
"Your point being?" He looks at me incredulously. And I know I am being stupid cause like none of this is anywhere close to proof that two people are dating but I mean this is Iwa-chan. He doesn't just laugh and smile for everyone.
I open my mouth to say this but then just sighed, "Nevermind I'm just being stupid."
"Yeah you are. Do I look like I have time for a girlfriend juggling between school, volleyball and taking care of you?" I couldn't stop my smile from spreading.
"I really do bother you too much huh." I said, still smiling.
"Yes you do." He grumbled. "Although I guess now I won't have to take care of you so much now that you have Hana-san." My smile dropped just as fast as it had come. Why? He was right, he spoke nothing but the truth. But then why does it feel like I'm losing my Iwa-chan?

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