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Oikawa blew and blew but to no avail. His hair was still in his face. He would've used his hands to push it away but they were currently covered in clay. God forbid he got clay on his beautiful hair. He had to think of some other way.

"Oi shittykawa what the hell are you doing?" Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow at him across from him. That's when Oikawa got an idea. He would ask Iwa-chan to get the hair out of his eyes. And since Iwa-chan's hands were also dirty he'd lean close and blow the hair away. Oikawa would also lean a little and then - "Oi! Earth to Oikawa. What are you spacing out for?" Iwaizumi was waving his hand in front of Oikawa's face. "Iwaaa-chaaaan." Oikawa whined, "My hair is falling into my eyes and it's bothering me!"

"Oh okay."

"What do you mean 'oh okay'?! Move it out of my face!" Oikawa practically shouted.

"Jeez okay okay talk softly would you!" Oikawa closed his eyes ready. But he immediately opened them when he felt something whack his temple.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL IWA-CHAN?" Oikawa said shocked to see Iwaizumi's elbow in the air next to his head.

Iwaizumi smiled sheepishly, "Oops sorry. I was gonna try and move the hair with my elbow but I misjudged the distance and whacked your head."

"HOW THE HELL DOES SOMEONE DO THAT?!?" Oikawa shouted before taking a deep breath and calming down. He released his breath and then smiled sweetly, "Iwa-chan I meant try and blow the hair off my face like a normal person does in such a situation."

"Alright alright okay." Iwaizumi placed both his arms on Oikawa's shoulders and leaned forward. OIkawa couldn't help the blush that covered his cheeks. Iwa-chan gently blew at the hair and it was out of his eyes. To Oikawa's surprise, Iwa-chan shifted his eyes from his forehead to his eyes. So now they were looking at each other with a few inches between their foreheads. "Better?" Iwaizumi smiled softly.

"I-Iwa-chan..." Oikawa glanced down at Iwaizumi's lips. They were so close he'd just have to lean a little forward. "..your breath stinks." Oikawa was a bloody chicken.

Iwaizumi seemed shocked for a second before glaring at the chocolate haired boy. He leaned back and without saying anything he took his block of clay and proceeded to put it on Oikawa's hair. Everyone around them gasped. It was common knowledge that Oikawa loved his hair and that messing with it would be mean death.

"You. Did not. Just. Do. That." Oikawa said calmly a deathly aura surrounding him.

"Oh I think I just did." Iwaizumi smirked crossing his arms challenging Oikawa. It was silent for a second before Oikawa lunged across the table. The weight of Oikawa falling on Iwaizumi tipped the chair he was sitting on backward making him fall to the ground. Oikawa's upper body was hanging off table with his hands on the ground to make sure he doesn't fall and his legs sprawled out on the table

Iwaizumi groaned rubbing his head as he sat up. He glared at Oikawa. "You are dead." Oikawa gulped and tried to get his whole body onto the table again but in his hurry he also fell down. Luckily for him he fell onto Iwaizumi and now both were sprawled on the ground groaning.

And again Lady luck seemed to be on Oikawa's side as the art teacher came before Iwaizumi could kill him. She sent them both to the principal.


"Iwaizumi! I did not expect this from you! You're an exemplary student of this school and I will not tolerate such behavior! You and Oikawa are on cleaning duty for the whole week."

"Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am this won't repeat." Iwaizumi bowed and stepped out. To his surprise Oikawa was waiting for him outside the principal's room. "Let's go?"

"Yeah.." Oikawa said and they walked back. Iwaizumi gently rubbed the back of his head.

"Does it hurt?" Oikawa asked noticing.

"Nah it's just a little sore." Iwaizumi said trying to play off the pain.

Oikawa rolled his eyes calling the other's bluff, "C'mon let's go to the nurse." Iwaizumi started to protest but Oikawa annoyed him into agreeing.


"Oi Oikawa get the bloody mop and start mopping!" Iwaizumi glared at his friend who was currently laying down on a table with his legs hanging off the edge swinging them, mindlessly scrolling through his phone.

"But Iwaaa-chaaaaan you know my fingers are very necessary for setting. Doing manual work like this might ruin the condition of my fingers and I won't be able to give good sets. You don't want that right." Oikawa blabbered some bull. He didn't notice Iwaizumi looming over him until it was too late. Iwaizumi grabbed his phone and set it on another table. Then he leaned over OIkawa his face mere inches away from the other's. His hands tightly gripped Oikawa's thighs making his face flush. "I-Iwa-chan-"

"Listen here you lil shit. I'll break your bloody fingers myself if you don't start mopping in the next minute." Iwaizumi glared at him properly. He started to move away. But Oikawa immediately sat up and grabbed Iwaizumi's tie before he could get away. He pulled him closer and now Iwaizumi stood in between Oikawa's feet with his hands on the table on either side of Oikawa and his face again just mere inches away. The atmosphere shifted and both could feel the tension in the air. After weeks of flitting around these new feelings they were finally forced to acknowledge them.

It was silent for a few seconds, both just looking into each other's eyes realizing the other wanted the same thing as they wanted.

"You know Iwa-chan your breath didn't actually stink." Oikawa said softly breaking the silence.

"I know. And I wasn't angry about that." Iwaizumi said still staring at the other boy. "I was angry cause you're a fckn tease." Oikawa's eyes widened but then he smirked.

"Then how about we continue what we almost started in the morning." Iwaizumi didn't need to be told twice. He crashed his lips onto the other boy's. Weeks of pent up feelings, years of an undiscovered passion finally burst out. He grabbed the back of Oikawa's neck pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Oikawa let out a moan and hungrily grabbed Iwaizumi's hair. He wrapped his legs around Iwaizumi's waist and pulled him closer so that they were flush against each other.

Oikawa ran his tongue over the shorter boy's lips asking for permission to enter and Iwaizumi happily granted. It was now Iwaizumi's turn to moan as Oikawa's tongue did wonders in his mouth. They were so engrossed in each other they didn't notice two other boys that stood at the doorway with their mouths open.

"Well shit." Both the boys pulled apart and whipped their heads to see their two other best friends, Maki and Mattsun gawking at them.

Oikawa was the first to break the tense silence, "Couldn't you guys have come another time? Things were just getting interesting!" Oikawa whined.

Maki rolled his eyes, "Well sorry to burst your bubble but we thought we could help you so it would be over faster. But this is why people shouldn't be nice. God I want to clean my eyes with bleach. I can't believe I had to see that."

"Not bleach bro, acid. It's the only solution." Mattsun said.

"Yesss! Or maybe we can ask one of Oikawa's aliens to brainwash our heads so that we can forget this ever happened." Maki and Mattsun high-fived at their brilliant plan.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, "Way to be dramatic guys. Anyway we'll come in a few minutes."

"Ew we didn't need to know that." Mattsun immediately ducked as Iwaizumi threw a duster at him. They both left the classroom laughing.

"Sooo shall we contin-" Oikawa was interrupted by a mop being thrown at his face which he easily caught.

"Get cleaning. I want to get out of here fast." Iwaizumi was already mopping. Oikawa huffed and finally got off his ass.

"Mean Iwa-chan" He muttered pouting.

"Also my parents went to visit my grandparents." Iwaizumi said casually still mopping.

"So you'll be home alone?" Iwaizumi nodded.

Let's just say Maki and Mattsun were surprised to see the two coming towards them only 3 minutes after they left them.


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