The Dance

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Oikawa was super excited. It was finally the day of the dance. He had asked his girlfriend around a week ago to the dance.

A week ago

It was match point for Aoba Johsai and it was Oikawa's turn to serve. Everything was resting on his shoulders. He knew he had to win. The referee blew the whistle and Oikawa took a deep breath. He smirked and threw the ball into the air. He jumped and smashed the ball into the other court. Everyone watched in awe as the ball fell right next to the libero and bounced away. There was pin-drop silence until the referee blew the whistle and signaled that the ball was in.

The audience roared and Oikawa got tackled by his teammates. Oikawa broke away from his teammates and steeled his nerves. He looked at Iwaizumi feeling nervous and although Iwaizumi wasn't completely on board with the idea he gave him a small smile and a nod. That was all Oikawa needed to take a breath and step onto the podium. He took the microphone and in front of everyone he asked his girlfriend to the dance. The audience started chanting 'Say Yes!' and cheered when she agreed. Oikawa couldn't have felt happier.

Present day

He wanted to go pick her up and take her to the dance but she insisted they meet at the school instead.

"My house is in the opposite direction of school for you. It'll just be a waste of time." She had said at that time. So Oikawa was going with his friends to school and meeting his girlfriend there. His friends - Iwa-chan, Hanamaki, Matsun decided to go together as friends instead of bringing dates.

"Oi Shittykawa ready to go?" Iwaizumi called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yep yep all done Iwa-chan!" Oikawa took one last look at the mirror. "Shit it should really be a crime looking this good." He muttered to himself. He finally took his wallet, keys and made his way downstairs.

"Oh goodie! The princess has finally arrived!" Oikawa rolled his eyes.

"Shut up Maki do you have any idea how much time it takes to get my hair to be this perfect?" He ran a hand through his perfect hair. This time Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever now let's go we're already five minutes late." They all got into Oikawa's car since Oikawa's mom was driving them there. Mattsun sat in the front while the remaining four somehow squeezed themselves into the back glaring at Mattsun for taking the best seat.

"Thank you for the ride Oikawa-san and sorry for the trouble." Iwaizumi said ever a respectful child.

"Ahh it's no trouble." She gave them a sweet smile and drove to their school.


Iwaizumi hadn't really wanted to come but they annoyed him into coming. So while Oikawa was literally bouncing in his seat with excitement talking a mile a minute, Iwaizumi was looking outside the window thinking what a waste of time this was going to be.

"Ahh now my suit is all crumpled!" Oikawa complained

"Stop being such a drama queen. Your suit is fiiiiiine." Maki dragged Oikawa to the school front door.

"You guys go ahead, I'll wait for my girlfriend." Oikawa said standing outside the door. Iwaizumi looked back at him.

"Want me to wait with you?" He asked

"No no it's fine she won't be long I guess." He smiled reassuringly. Iwaizumi nodded and followed after the other three.


Iwaizumi frowned. It's been 20minutes and Oikawa still hasn't come inside. He tapped on Maki's shoulder to get her attention. "I'm going to go find Oikawa." He shouted so that he could hear over the music. He nodded his head and went back to jumping to whatever song was playing.

Iwaizumi stepped outside shivering a bit as it was cold in contrast to the hot sweaty room he just came from. He looked around and saw Oikawa sitting on the curb with his head tilted upward staring at the stars. Iwaizumi had a bad feeling. He walked up to him and sat down next to him. He didn't need to say anything and Oikawa just handed him his phone. Iwaizumi looked down at it.

Luv ❤:

Tooru I'm sorry but I think we should break up. I was going to do this last week after the game but then you pulled that stunt and I just couldn't do it with all those people there. After that you were super excited for the dance and I didn't want to burst your bubble so I thought I would do it after the dance. But honestly I can't keep pretending to love you anymore. I know you love me but I'm always second to your volleyball and I don't like that. Maybe I'm just being selfish, wanting you all to myself but this isn't working. I know breaking up over text is a suckish thing to do but I have to stop this now before I lose my nerve. Thanks for everything Tooru and sorry.

Why couldn't she break up with him on some other day? She knew how important this dance was for Oikawa. Iwaizumi sighed and got up. He stood in front of Oikawa and reached out a hand. Oikawa looked up in confusion. Iwaizumi shrugged, "You've been excited for this dance since your first year in Aoba Johsai. Don't let some girl ruin it for you. You still have Maki, Matsun and me. So come let's go and enjoy. " Oikawa shook his head and sniffed.

"I can't face all those people after I made such a grand gesture. They're expecting me with my girlfriend. It's going to be so humiliating walking inside alone." He was crying again. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Fine, then get up and dance with me." He grabbed Oikawa's hand and pulled him up.

"What?" Oikawa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I said dance with me dummy." Iwaizumi's ears burned a little as a slow song came and he wrapped his arms around Oikawa's waist. Oikawa blinked for a second wondering if his Iwa-chan was being serious. When he realized he wasn't joking, his face broke out into a grin and he wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi's neck. They swayed to the music, Oikawa being his normal self and chattering about everything and anything. Iwaizumi smiled, glad that his friend would be okay.

Soon their friends came in search of them. Maki and Mattsun were giggling about the bowl of chips they stole. Iwaizumi chided them for being such kids and told them to return the bowl of chips. But after looking at the three pouting faces he relented and let them keep it. And there in the parking lot of their school they had their own little party. Oikawa looked at his friends just enjoying themselves and he started crying.

"What the hell!? Why are you crying?" The remaining three looked at him alarmed.

"I love you guys! Thanks for being here with me." He wiped his eyes. The other three looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"You idiot obviously we'll be here for you!" Mattsun said.

"Yeah stop saying cringy stuff Stupidkawa." Iwaizumi whacked his head.

"Ow Iwa-chan!" Oikawa rubbed his head but then proceeded to hug Iwaizumi who reluctantly hugged back.

Maki and Mattsun looked at each other before joining the other two, "Group Hug!" They shouted. Soon Oikawa-san came to pick them up and they decided to have a sleepover at Oikawa's place. It was a day they'd cherish for the rest of their years.


Oof super cringy chapter I guess but I've had this idea for a long time and finally wrote it down so yayy? 

I'm kinda conflicted between leaving this as a one shot about their friendship or making an Iwaoi story from this. 

What do you guys think?

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