Sick - 5

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I went to Tooru's house to check on him and Oikawa-san opened the door for me. "Sorry for the intrusion Oikawa-san. I just wanted to see how Tooru is doing."

"Ah yes yes come in, Hana. Last time I checked he was sleeping all cuddled up with Hajime. Those two have always been inseparable since they were kids." She chuckled. "You can go and see if they're awake. If they're not, could you wake them up, they should prolly eat something." I nodded my head and went to Tooru's room. I laughed at the scene there.

Iwaizumi was curled up next to Tooru with one of his hands under Tooru's shirt and his head tucked under Tooru's chin. Tooru was spread out with his mouth wide open and drooling on Iwaizumi's head. His leg was on top of Iwaizumi's hip. The cutest part was how their hands were linked with a pinky swear.

I had to take a picture of this. Oikawa stirred and finally opened his eyes. "Hana what are you doing here?" He yawned.

"I came to check up on you. How are you feeling?" I gave him a warm smile.

He glanced at Iwaizumi, "Much better thank you." He was silent for a second, "I realized what you meant." He blushed slightly scratching the back of his head.

I smiled again, "Oikawa-san wanted me to wake you both up so wake him up and come down okay." He nodded his head and I walked out with a bittersweet feeling in my heart.



I tried to sit up but realised there was something on my chest. I looked down and saw Iwa-chan's hand resting under my shirt. He shifted and his hand brushed against my nipple. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Iwa-chaaaaaaaaan how could you do this to me!" I wailed. Iwa-chan jolted awake.

"Wha-what's happening?" He asked in his sleepy daze. Shit why does he look so cute I can't.

"You outraged my modesty! That's what you did! You violated me you brute! "

"What what are you talking about?" Iwa-chan looked confused. But then he realised where his hand was and he jerked away falling off the bed in the process.

"Oh no Iwa-chan has done me wrong! Who will marry my poor soul now!?" I dramatically put a hand against my forehead. "Oh Iwa-chan I trusted you! How could you do this to me? Just cause I'm pretty doesn't mean you can-" Iwa-chan clamped my mouth with his hand while straddling me.

"Oi shittykawa be quiet! Oikawa-san will think I actually did something to you!" Iwa-chan was whisper yelling. I licked his hand and he immediately retracted his hand. "Ewww why would you do that?!"

I smirked looking at his position. "My my Iwa-chan first you violate me and now you put us in this position. You don't seem like it but you're actually quite horny huh Iwa-chan." He blushed when he realises the predicament they were in and immediately gets up.

"I did not violate you, you dumbasskawa! And shut up I'm not horny!" He glares at me.

"You touched me without my permission. I call that violating me." I was loving this. Flustered Iwa-chan is adorable.

"It was an accident that happened while we were sleeping!" He was going to throw me out the window soon. I held in my laugh.

"Do you have proof of that?"

"Wha- oh my god I'm not having this argument. I'm going to beat you up so bad Shittykawa!" He was fuming.

"Fine fine I'll over look it this one time if you promise to sleep shirtless in the night when we sleep." I gave him a cheeky grin. Iwa-chan looked at me in disbelief.

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