Sick - 4

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I was finally in front of Oikawa's house. I knocked on the door but there was no response. I started panicking about what if he fainted and got hurt. I started banging on the door until I heard Tooru scream "Coming!" After a few seconds he opened the door but when he saw me his eyes widened and was about to slam the door on my face. But I was fast and I put my foot forward blocking the door. Aah damn that hurt. "Go away Iwa-chan! I don't want to see you!"
"Tooru please c'mon. I'm sorry but I didn't know you were waiting for me." I pushed against the door and I was able to push it enough to slip through. I finally got a good look at Oikawa. His nose was red, his skin paler than usual, he was sweating although it wasn't that hot. I put a hand up to his forehead but he swatted it away.
"Don't touch me Iwa-chan! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He slid down the wall next to the door and wrapped his arms around his knees and rested his forehead on his knees. Iwaizumi hated it when Oikawa was angry with him. It just wasn't natural.
"Tooru.." I said softly, kneeling down next to him. "I said I'm sorry."
"It's not just about yesterday Iwa-chan. You've been distant and ignoring me for quite some time now." He sounded so distressed I couldn't help but feel guilty. "D-do you hate me now Iwa-chan?"
"What! No! There's no way I could hate you shittykawa. I just.." I sighed, "I just needed some time alone." I stroke his soft hair.
He peeks at me, "So you don't hate me?"
I push some hair out of his face and smile softly, "Never." He launches himself onto me wrapping his arms tightly around my neck, burying his face in my neck. I hug him back for a few seconds but the overwhelming heat from his body reminds me of his fever. "Hey c'mon let's get you to bed." He mumbles something against my neck. "Huh? What did you say? "
He lifts his head slightly from my neck, "I said carry me to my bed." I rolled my eyes with a slight smile, happy that the needy Oikawa was back.
"Your wish is my command, your highness." I said sarcastically. I picked him up bridal style and took him to his room. I unceremoniously dump him on his bed.
"Ow! Iwa-chan I'm sick you can't just throw me like that!" He pouted. I wave my hand dismissively.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Take some rest, I'll go make something warm for you to eat." I said walking towards the door.
"Mom said she made some soup and asked me to heat it up when I wanted to eat." Oikawa said.
"Oh yeah where's your mom? She wouldn't leave you alone at home if you were sick." Oikawa-san knows how lonely and needy Tooru becomes when he's sick so she usually stays with him.
"Oh I told her you'll come and stay with me." He yawned, his eyes drooping. I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms.
"And what if I hadn't come?" I asked curious.
"There's no way you wouldn't come when you heard I was sick." He said dismissively and yawned again. I was shocked. This guy...I felt my cheeks heat up.
"Baka baka shittykawa!" I kept muttering to myself with my cheeks still warm. Annoyed at how affected I was by his words, I heated the soup for him and took the medicine Oikawa-san had kept aside for him. I took a bowl of soup and the medicine for him in a tray and set it on the table. "Oi Trashykawa, wake up you need to eat." I shook his shoulder and he slowly woke up yawning.
I yawned and sat up to see Iwa-chan with the tray. Then I processed what he called me, "Iwa-chaaaaan don't call me that!"
"Whatever Shittykawa. Now eat up."
"No I won't eat until you're nice to me and call me Tooru like before." I stubbornly crossed my arms and looked away. I could feel his murderous glare and boy was I enjoying it.
"Tooru eat now." He gritted it out. I gave him an angelic smile and took the tray.
Without even lifting my hand up I cried, "Oh no I simply have no strength to hold a spoon because I'm so sick and tired. I think I need to be fed."
Iwa-chan rolled his eyes, "You do this every time at least improve your acting." He took the bowl and fed me spoon after spoon blowing on it so it wasn't too hot. I loved being fed by Iwa-chan. Actually I loved having his attention. I also loved him taking care of me.
After I finished the soup he gave me some tablets and told me to sleep. "But I don't want to sleep." I whined.
"How do you plan on getting better then? So sleep."
" Please Iwa-chan one movie pleaaase." He sighed.
"Fine one movie. Then you're sleeping. I'm going to change my clothes, you start the movie." I nodded my head and took my laptop. While it booted I looked up to see Iwa-chan shirtless searching for a shirt in my wardrobe. This was really weird. Why is my heart pounding so hard? I've seen Iwa-chan shirtless many times. Heck I've seen him naked! But I mean I guess I never noticed what a great body he had. His back muscles were so defined. Shit I wanted to touch his body. Wait what?! What the hell am I thinking? Iwa-chan is my best friend. Before I realized what I was about to say my mouth opened, "Iwa-chan it's alright if you want to lay down shirtless I know that's how you usually sleep. I'm completely cool with it."
Without turning around he replied "Oh um no that's fine I'll just wear a shirt." He quickly put on a shirt, and some pajama bottoms.
"Aww well that's too bad I was hoping I could stare at your half naked body for a while longer." I smirked.
His face became beet red. He quickly laid down next to me and smacked my head. "Shut up Pervykawa!"
I laughed, "I'm joking, joking, calm down." Not really joking though. I cuddled with him and finally settled down to watch the movie. I snuggled closer and in that moment I felt this immense overwhelming feeling. I just couldn't keep it in. "I love you Iwa-chan. Thank you for always taking care of me."
He blushed again, "S-Shut up and w-watch the movie Crappykawa. Stop saying embarrassing things." Contradictory to his words he pulled me closer and stroked my hair. I couldn't help but think how amazing it would be to sleep like this everyday.
Ahh so this is what Hana meant. It was Iwa-chan all along. I smiled thinking about what a fool I've been.

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