Sick - 3

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I sighed school had already ended but I had to deal with some club work and the silence was not helping my roaming mind. I managed to not break down in front of Tooru, but once I was out of his sight I couldn't help but cry. Oikawa had always been popular and so when he asked me out I found myself feeling special. I mean he chose me among all those fans of his to be the one he shared his heart with. But I brought this upon myself ignoring all the signs.

Oh well no point thinking about what happened. I'd get over him. I just hope those two idiots realise their feelings and get together. As I was thinking this, I saw someone sitting on the park bench under the tree near the basketball with their arms wrapped around their knees. It was pouring outside and it's been two hours since school ended. Who the hell could it be?

Holding my umbrella I went over and was shocked to see that it was Tooru. "Tooru!" I shaked his shoulder.

He looked up at me in confusion, "Hana?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked concerned and feeling a little guilty thinking maybe it was my fault.

"I had asked Iwa-chan to meet me here after school." He said looking down.

"Have you been waiting for 2hrs?!" I looked at him shocked. How the hell has he not realised his feelings yet? He didn't say anything and just looked down. "Okay well c'mon let's get you home. You'll get sick if you get drenched anymore."

"But Iwa-chan.."

I bit my lip hesitating, ".. I saw him leave after school with.." I looked at his crestfallen face and just couldn't say Rika-san's name, "w-with Kindaichi and Kunimi."

"Oh.." He looked close to tears.

"Yeah so come let's get you home." I helped him get up from the bench. He swayed a little and I was concerned. I felt his forehead and realised he had a fever. "Aye Tooru you have a fever! We need to get you home fast!" So I walked him back home with him using me as a support because he felt a little dizzy.

I took him home and he immediately collapsed on his bed. I figured his wet clothes would only make things worse for him so I changed his clothes and dried his hair. His parents weren't home yet so I decided to stay with him until his mom came home. I made some soup and found some medicine. "Tooru Tooru wake up, you can sleep after you have something in your stomach." He woke up and sat up with a groan.

"My head's aching!" He whined. I couldn't help but smile. This guy was such a kid. "I feel hot!"

"Hey you have a fever that's normal. Here eat some soup and have some medicine so you'll feel better." I gave him the soup and he drank it. After he gulped down the tablet suddenly he started crying. "T-tooru what's wrong? It's just a fever, don't worry it'll go away."

"It's not that. If Iwa-chan was here he would make me soup like you did and I'd pretend I couldn't eat on my own. So still grumbling he'd patiently feed me the soup. And then we'd both cuddle and fall asleep. I miss Iwa-chaaaaaan!!!" He wailed like a baby and I didn't know what to do. He kept rambling about how Iwaizumi-san hated him now and stuff like that. I tried my best to reassure him it wasn't like that. I finally managed to calm him down, gently patted him until he slept. Now and then he would mumble Iwa-chan in his sleep. I sighed I really had to do something about this. I decided that tomorrow I was going to have a long and hard talk with Iwaizumi-san. Truth be told, I was a little pissed at him for ditching Tooru like that.

After a while Oikawa-san (Tooru's mom) came home and I got ready to leave. But I decided I really had to end things completely. "I got your answer loud and clear today. That's why we should really end things now before things get messy later on. And I hope you'll also realise soon. Let's be good friends. " He stared at me looking confused. I smiled gently and pressed my lips against his forehead. "Get better soon. I'll check on you tomorrow. Bye."



"Hajime-san we need to talk." Hana frowned, looking stern. My thoughts raced a mile a minute. What did she want to talk about? Did she figure out I liked Oikawa? Was she going to tell me to stay away from him?

"Um okay?" I said a little unsure, a little afraid. I know I told myself I'd distance myself from Oikawa for a while till I could get a grip but it just made things worse.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private. Follow me." She led me to an empty classroom and closed the door. "Hajime, I know you like Tooru." My heart dropped. I opened my mouth to explain but she held up a hand silencing me. "I'm not going to tell you to stay away from him, don't worry. We're not even dating anymore. -"

Did I hear right? "Wait what? You're not dating anymore since when?" They were happy together. Why would they break up? Oh my God did she break up with him because of me? I felt guilt churn my stomach. "Hana no please don't break up with him just because of me! He really likes you. Yes I love him but because of that I want him to be happy! And he's happy with you. "

"Well right now what would make him happy is having you by his side." She glared at me. "He waited for you for two hours in the pouring rain after school yesterday and got sick. Did you even notice he hasn't come to school today?" He was sick? He gets really lonely when he's sick and ends up crying which just worsens his state. I should go to him. "Oi Iwaizumi are you even listening to me?"

"Hana sorry I need to go." I ran out of the room with her calling after me.


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