Finding Nemo

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Iwaizumi and Oikawa are like 6yrs old in this.


It was finally summer. Oikawa and Iwaizumi couldn't wait for all the adventures they were going to have that summer!

After spending the whole day outside chasing butterflies they finally came back in the evening and had dinner at Oikawa's house. Then they decided to watch a movie.

"Iwa-chan let's watch Monsters vs. Aliens. It has Aliens it seems!" Oikawa held the movie excitedly.

"No I want to watch Cars!" Iwaizumi pouted.

"No! Monsters versus Aliens!" Oikawa yelled. evening and had dinner at Oikawa's house. Then

"No! We always watch what you want! I want to watch Cars!" Iwaizumi shouted.

Then they both started wrestling each other, pulling each other's hair shouting.

"Mean Iwa-chan!"


Finally Oikawa's Okaa-san (mom) noticed the commotion and quickly separated the kids. "Now I'll choose the movie and both of you be quiet and watch it!" She found the Finding Nemo CD and put it into the CD player.

Iwaizumi and Oikawa were sitting on the opposite ends of the couch with their arms crossed pouting. Oikawa-san chuckled at the adorable kids and quickly took a picture.

Soon the movie started and they were quickly drawn into the colorful world of Finding Nemo. Without noticing both of them had gradually shifted towards each other and were now sitting with Oikawa's head on Iwaizumi's shoulder and Iwaizumi's head resting on Oikawa's.

By the end of the movie both of them were a sniffling mess with tear stains on their chubby faces and runny noses.

"Okay both of you. It's time for bed." Oikawa-san said and took both of them to Oikawa's room. There was an extra futon on the floor for Iwaizumi although it was pointless since she would always find them both in Tooru's bed in the morning.

They both quickly changed into their pajamas. Iwaizumi wore shorts and a tank proudly showing off his newly earned bruises. Oikawa wore his alien pajamas.

"Goodnight boys. Sweet dreams." Oikawa San smiled and switched off the light before closing the door.

It was silent in the room for sometime until Oikawa spoke up.

"Iwa-chan are you asleep?" Oikawa peeked over the edge of his bed at the futon.

"No I'm not."

"Okay." It was silent again for a minute.


"What is it Oikawa?"

"What if the daddies of the fish in Nee-chan's (elder sister) aquarium are also searching for them?"

Iwaizumi was silent for a few seconds. "They could be."

"We should help them Iwa-chan." Oikawa said earnestly.

"Oneesan might get angry." Iwaizumi said.

"But the fish will be happy!" Oikawa exclaimed.

It was silent again while Iwaizumi thought about this. "Okay let's help the fish." So together they tip-toed out of their room and too the bathroom. They dragged a bucket filled with water to Oikawa's sister's room.

"See whenever she has to clean the aquarium, she uses this net thingy to catch them and puts them in the bucket." Oikawa explained to Iwaizumi.

"Okay you get on the stool and catch the fish. I'll hold the flashlight." Oikawa nodded and quickly climbed the stool.

He caught the first fish and they successfully put it in the bucket. Then another and another. Finally there was only one fish left in the aquarium. He quickly caught the fish and in his excitement he slipped on the water that had fallen on the stool. The flash light fell to the floor as Oikawa fell on Iwaizumi. They both groaned with pain but quickly shut up when they heard Onee-san stir.

They both held their breath as she turned around mumbling until she again settled down. They breathed again. Iwaizumi pushed Oikawa off of him and quickly took the flashlight again. It was then they noticed a flopping sound and Iwaizumi quickly moved the flashlight to the sound and watched in horror as the last fish was flopping on the floor.

"Stupidkawa it's all because of you! Now hold the flashlight while I catch the fish." Oikawa did as he was told. Iwaizumi stuck his tongue out in concentration. He quickly caught the fish and they quietly cheered. But their victory was short-lived as the slimy fish quickly slipped out of his small chubby hands. They groaned but immediately shut up when heard Oneesan stir again.

Finally Iwaizumi caught the fish again and this time he quickly ran to the bucket and put the fish inside before it could slip away. Oikawa and Iwaizumi grinned looking at each other and dragged the bucket back to the bathroom. They switched on the light and started flushing the fishes down the toilet because that's how they can reach the oceans where their daddies will be waiting.

"Bye-bye fishys. Go find your daddies." Oikawa sniffed, wiping his eyes. Iwaizumi patted Oikawa's back while holding back his own tears. After they flushed all the fish they looked at each and started giggling thinking about the adventure they just had.

Soon they went back to their room and climbed into Oikawa's bed. After talking and giggling for some more time they both fell asleep.


"AAAAAAAAAH" Oikawa and Iwaizumi woke up after hearing Oneesan's scream. They walked to her room groggily rubbing their eyes, yawning. Oikawa's parents were already there.

"What's wrong Nee-chan?" Oikawa yawned absently holding his mom's hand.

"MY FISH! THEY'RE NOT THERE!" She pointed to the aquarium that now only had water and no fish. Oikawa and Iwaizumi were now wide awake. They glanced at each other trying to hold back their giggles. Their Oneesan caught their look and narrowed her eyes. "You two! You did something didn't you!?!" They both nodded.

"We sent them to their daddies." Iwaizumi said smiling proudly.

"You did what?" She asked confused.

"We flushed them down the toilet so that they'll reach the ocean where their daddies will be waiting for them. Like how Marlin waits for Nemo in Finding Nemo." Oikawa was also grinning. Oikawa and Iwaizumi high-fived feeling happy that they did such an amazing deed. The other three stared at them with their jaws open.

"You-You lil' shits!"

"Language!" Oikawa's Otou-san (Dad) said.

"Fine you lil' poo babies! I'm going to get you two!" She lunged for the two but both of them ran away giggling. That's how they spent the rest of the day hiding for their Oneesan. When they finally got caught Oikawa's Okaa-san (mom) made them clean the whole bathroom after making a mess yesterday.

I randomly saw a frog got this idea and decided to write it down. But it definitely seems like something they'd do 😂.

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