Sick - 6

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"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Iwa-chan reached up and felt my forehead as soon as I stepped out of the house.
"Oh I'm feeling better. Prolly would've been better if you had stayed the night." I say slyly smirking at Iwa-chan's blush.
"Ah sorry about that. We had unexpected guests visit so Oka-san needed help. Anyway here to make it up I got you some milk bread." He gave me a packet of milk bread.
I squealed, "See this is why you're my most favorite person." I opened the packet and stuffed my face with milk bread relishing the taste. I almost let out a moan cause of how good it tasted.
"So all someone needs to do to become your favorite person is buy you milk bread?" Iwa-chan asked.
"Yep" I said happily
"Hmm okay then I guess I need to buy more milk bread from now on." I looked at him with wide eyes. "What? I'm gonna fight with anyone that tries to steal that title from me." With that he grabbed my wrist, ate the piece of milk bread in my hand and licked my fingers clean of any crumbs. Shit that was hot. My cheeks heated up. Calm down Tooru. Calm down.
"W-who are you and what have you done with my Iwa-chan?" I tried to joke. He laughed still holding onto my wrist. His hand slid down from my wrist and was softly grasping my hand like he was testing the waters. In response I tightly held his unable to stop the giddy smile and continued walking looking straight ahead wondering if he could hear how hard my heart was beating right now.
Finally school was over. Iwa-chan was more touchy today being completely subtle like brushing his hand against mine passing by in the hallway or sitting closer to me than usual during lunch. Whereas I just straight up walked to his class during lunch break screamed Iwa-chan and hugged him as if I hadn't seen him for days. The whack to my head was completely worth watching Iwa-chan blush and feel awkward.
We were walking back home in comfortable silence but we could feel the underlying tension now that we were alone. We were on the border of some line and with one step we would cross it. I just wasn't sure how willing Iwa-chan was with crossing it. Iwa-chan sighed bringing me out of my thoughts.
"We should talk." he said "Let's go to our park?" I nodded my head trying to get my thoughts in order. He started walking to the park and I trailed after him. We sat down on the swings silent again. For once in my life I didn't know what to say so I said the one thing we both loved. "Volleyball?" I held the ball out to him. He seemed surprised for a second but then his face softened and he nodded taking the ball from my hands. We went to a less crowded part of the park near a lake and started passing the ball to each other.
"Soooooooooo.." I said keeping my eyes on the ball getting ready to receive it. I hit it back.
"Soooooooooo..." He said bumping the ball back to me.
"Iwa-chan you wanted to talk." I said hitting the ball back.
He sighed, "Right I did." he caught the ball and looked at me intensely. I wanted to look away because of the intensity but I held my ground. "Tooru.." My heart skipped a beat hearing him call me that. "whenever you dated girls I didn't really care much cause I knew you would come back to me. Those girls would never be able to take care of you. But when you started dating Hana, I had an unpleasant feeling in my stomach. For the first time in my life I thought you wouldn't need me and I realised how much I need you." He looked up at the sky as he the tossed the ball up passing to himself. "I ignored it at first because you finally found a girl who could take care of you and I should be happy. But I wasn't. Every time Hana whacked your head or when you would kiss her I found myself wishing it was me. I wanted to be the one who whacked you when you messed up. I wa-" He stopped and looked straight at me. "I wanted to be the one kissed by you." He took a deep breath and said. " Oikawa Tooru I love you. I think I have for a really long time." It was like time stopped when he said that. We stared at each other until he looked away rubbing the back of his head. "Say something" He said nervously. That snapped me out of my daze and I ran to him tackling him to the ground. "Oof jeez Shittykawa what's your problem?!" He glared at me and I laughed.
"Iwaizumi Hajime I'll love you if you promise to buy milk bread for me for the rest of my life." He sat up leaning back on his hands and I was straddling him with my arms around his neck.
He pretended to be deep in thought, "I guess that's a deal." He smiled brightly and my breath hitched. Without really thinking I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. After a few seconds of no response from him I pulled away frowning at him.
"The least you could do is kiss me back." I pouted at his blushing face.
"You caught me by surprise!"
"Fine I'm going to kiss you Iwa-chan."
"No wa-" I pressed my lips against his again but he still didn't kiss me back.
"We can do this all day Hajime." I growled and was about to kiss him again but he put his hands on my mouth and pushed me away.
"Stop hornykawa!" He turned his head and I followed his line of sight to see a little boy gaping at us with his mouth open. I sighed talk about timing.
"Scram kid there's nothing to see here" I glared at him as I got up from the ground and he ran away. I helped Iwa-chan up and found him glaring at me. "What?!"
"You could've been nicer." He bent down to get the ball and I rolled my eyes. Typical sweet Hajime.
"C'mon let's go home."
We walked back to Oikawa's house hand in hand. I can't believe we actually confessed to each other. I was still feeling giddy from when I felt Oikawa's lips on mine. To be honest I've never actually kissed anybody so I wasn't sure what to do when he kissed me. We finally reached his house and stood outside both of us looking down at our interlaced hands not wanting to let go. I sighed and let go. I reached up and gave him a peck on his lips. He tried to chase after my lips but I pushed him away chuckling at how eager he was. "I'll see you tomorrow Tooru." I said softly and turned around to leave but he stopped me.
"Wait Iwa-chan!" He tilted his head and gave me an innocent smile, "Stay the night? Please?"
There was no way I could say no to that face and so I found myself in his room wearing his clothes feeling awkward as hell. He had gone to say good night to his mom so I was just sitting on the bed awkwardly waiting for him. Suddenly the door opened and Oikawa flashed me his bright smile before locking the door.
"Why are you locking the door?" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"I don't want my mom to walk in on us! That'd be so embarrassing!" He said like it's obvious.
"Um we won't be doing anything embarrassing so it's fine." I said assertively.
"What are you talking about? I plan on kissing you and touching you the whole night." I felt my cheeks heat up.
"No you're not."
"Yes I am." He started approaching me with a smirk.
"Tooru..." I warned him.
"Hajime.." He mimicked me. He put an arm on either side of me trapping me. He was very close to my face and this time I was prepared. I closed my eyes as he closed the gap between us. This time I kissed him back but soon he pulled away.
"Iwa-chan you're a really bad kisser." My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.
"Well what do you expect shittykawa!! I've never kissed anyone before!" I spat out pissed.
"Hmm then we'll just have to practice more!" His eyes gleamed with excitement and Hajime was actually a little fearful of Oikawa. They were both sitting cross legged on the bed now facing each other. Oikawa leaned in for another kiss and this time I tried to copy what he did but ended up smashing our noses together. "Okay you don't do anything and I'll show you how it's done." So I sat there with my eyes closed as Tooru kissed me.
"Iwa-chan don't purse your lips!" He said pulling back.
"You said don't do anything!" I was getting pissed now.
"That doesn't mean you purse your lips!" He exclaimed. Okay that's it, I grabbed his shirt and pushed my lips against his letting my instinct take over. He was surprised for a moment but then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I was now completely sitting on his lap my legs wrapped around his waist. God I never knew kissing could feel so good. Finally after sometime we pulled away panting with our foreheads pressed against each other's.
"How was that?" I asked still feeling a bit woozy from the lack of air.
"Iwa-chan.." He said seriously, "please sleep shirtless today." I whacked his head.
"Shut up hornykawa!" I glared at him. "Listen Tooru, yes I love you but I'm not ready for any kind of perverted stuff. I want to take things slow since I'm not used all this. I will not hesitate to punch you if you do anything that makes me uncomfortable got it?" I stared at him seriously making sure I got my point across. Oikawa could be pushy and so I had to state my boundaries clearly.
Oikawa's face softened and he gave me a sweet smile. "I can wait Iwa-chan. We can take it at your pace." Iwaizumi felt at ease listening to Tooru say that. But then of course Oikawa had to ruin the moment. "Ahhh I can't believe I get to be the one to ruin my precious innocent Iwa-chan!!! I'm gonna make you feel so good in ways you've never imagined Iwa-chan!" He had the audacity to wink at me.
I whacked his head again and said, "just shut up and kiss me already." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him again. And so that's how we spent the night. Kissing each other, and finally falling asleep in each others' arms.

Well that's the end of sick. Yes I named it sick cause I suck at naming stuff 😒. Anyway did you think the characters were too out of character?
I personally don't like it when characters are completely totally ooc so yeah do comment what you think.
Byee till the next update!!

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