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"Ahem Iwa-chan.." Iwaizumi turned around to see Oikawa smiling sheepishly holding up his tie. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes before walking upto to Oikawa. He tugged Oikawa closer with the tie so that their foreheads were almost touching.

"You're 18years old Oikawa, you should know how to tie your own tie." Iwaizumi grumbled his fingers moving swiftly.

Oikawa pouted, "I never needed to learn because my mom always did it for me. You can blaAgh!" Oikawa choked as Iwaizumi pulled the tie a little too tight. Oikawa hands shot up to grab Iwaizumi's hands.

"Oops." Iwaizumi smirked, loosening the tie. Oikawa glared at the shorter boy.

"Iwa-chan! You totally did that on purpose!" Oikawa accused.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Iwaizumi smirked smoothing the tie. He took a step back and looked at Oikawa feeling a little breathless. He really was a beautiful man. A beautiful, unattainable man he reminded himself as he stepped away. "You should really learn how to wear a tie. We're graduating today, I won't always be there to tie it for you."

Oikawa's breath hitched at those words. That's right. They were graduating today. That means Oikawa and Iwaizumi will go their own seperate ways. His Iwa-chan won't always be by his side from now on. "Maybe that's why I don't want to learn. It makes everything too real." Oikawa mumbled looking down at his tie. It was the pretty teal color of Aoba Johsai, a parting gift for the graduating class from the school.

"Idiot." Iwaizumi muttered shaking his head. But he couldn't help the small smile that graced his lips. "C'mon we better go or else we'll be late.

"Wait Iwa-chan." Oikawa grabbed his hand before he could leave.

"What is it Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi asked

Oikawa hesitated before pulling the other man into a bone crushing hug. "I love you Iwa-chan. You're my bestest friend in the whole world. Promise me we'll always be friends no matter how far we are from each other."

"Idiotkawa you're getting sentimental before the ceremony even started." Despite his words, Iwaizumi hugged back just as tightly. "Crappykawa of course I'll always be your friend who else will tell you to take a break." Iwaizumi was the first to pull away and after hesitating for a second, he said, "And I love you too."

Oikawa felt his eyes fill up but instead he willed them away and forced a smirk onto his face, "I know Iwa-chan. It was obvious from how jealous you would get by all the girls surrounding me."

Iwaizumi didn't hesitate to punch him in the stomach, "I'm going, you can come on your own." He said as he walked out the door.

"Noooo wait for me Iwa-chan! I was just joking!" Oikawa tried to run after Iwaizumi still keeled over because of the punch.

10yrs later

Oikawa looked down at the tie in his hands. He looked at spikey haired man getting ready a few feet away from him. He smirked, "Iwa-chan..." Iwaizumi turned away from the mirror to see the taller boy holding his tie sheepishly. He rolled eyes before walking up to the chocolate haired boy.

"Seriously Oikawa in these 10 years you never learnt how to wear a tie? You're a 28 year old man." Iwaizumi shot him an unimpressed look. 

"I know how to wear a tie now." Oikawa shrugged, "it just doesn't look as good as when you do it." Oikawa leaned his forehead against Iwaizumi's. "In fact I don't like how it looks unless it's you who ties it."

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, unfazed by Oikawa's shameless flirting, "Ever the flirt glad to know you didn't change."

"I'm being completely serious."

"Sure you are." Iwaizumi wasn't really paying attention to Oikawa as he knotted the tie and so didn't see the frustration in Oikawa's eyes.

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa held Iwaizumi's face in his hands and tilted it upwards so that he was finally looking him in the eyes. Iwaizumi was startled by their proximity and his face heated up when Oikawa's breath fanned over his face. "Go out with me."

"Wha.." Iwaizumi stared at him with wide eyes trying to push down the hope he thought he squashed years ago. Trying to keep all the feelings he thought he buried from climbing out of their grave. "Don't joke about that Crappykawa."

"I'm being completely serious Iwa-chan." And he did look completely serious not a trace of humour on his face. "I dated a lot of people these past 10years. I mean obviously, I am Oikawa Tooru." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. This dumbass. "But something always felt like it was missing. I would spend the whole day with them but I'd feel the most relaxed and content when I talked to you at night. It took me a long time to realize but god I am crazy about you Iwa-chan. Remember that day I called you and you were getting ready for a date?"

Iwaizumi nodded his head remembering that date clearly. What a mess that was. Iwaizumi had finally agreed to a blind date his friends set up. Oikawa had called just before the date when he was getting ready. He had seemed off that day but iwaizumi wasn't able to find out what was bothering him. So he brushed it off and went to the date to find a charismatic brown haired man. Surprisingly they hit it off fairly well but when the man mentioned being a volleyball fanatic who liked milk bread Hajime high tailed it out of there in record speed. No way he was gonna go for a knock off.

"That day I saw you wearing a tie for another man and my heart just couldn't handle it. It was then that I realized in all those relationships it was you that was missing. It was the home that's by your side that I craved. Iwa-chan will you do yourself the honour of being my boyfriend?"

Iwaizumi snorted, "Honour? More like nightmare."

"Iwa-chaaaan! You're being too mean again!" Oikawa pouted. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes before roughly grabbing Oikawa's face and bringing it close.

"You dumbass has anyone ever said no to you?"

"Well there was Kiyoko-" He was interrupted by a pair of rough lips pressing hard against his softer ones. After a moment of shock, Oikawa responded with the same fervor. They kissed each other urgently like the world would end any moment and for them in a way it was. The world they knew was crumbling, changing into a hopefully more beautiful world where they were with each other in more ways than one.

"I love you Shittykawa." Iwaizumi breathed panting heavily with his forehead pressed against the taller boy's.

"I love you Iwa-chan." Oikawa replied just as breathless with a smile breaking out on his face. "God I can't wait to show you off. All my friends are gonna be so jealous that I got such a super hot boyfriend."

"First take me out on a date and then I'll decide whether I want to be your boyfriend or not." Iwaizumi was a whipped soul for Oikawa, but the other boy didn't need to know that. His ego was big enough without Iwaizumi adding to it.

"Done!" Oikawa said with a blinding smile. "I won't disappoint you! By the end of it you'll be begging me to be your boyfriend!"

Iwaizumi snorted, "Sure let's see. For now let's go and enjoy the reunion." He pulled on Oikawa's tie which was a little crooked and fixed it, "There. Perfect." He had a small smile on his face looking at the tie.

"Yep. Perfect." Oikawa agreed softly looking at Iwaizumi.


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