billie dean howard x reader

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A/n : [definitely got carried away with this one. sorry for any mistakes. i'm just trying to get into writing instead of just reading.]

The time was finally here. Billie Dean was returning from yet another stint filming across the country. She'd been gone for a month and a half and was finally getting a break to come back to her quiet home on the coast of california. As much as she loved her show and career, it was always hard being away from her own space while filming. She loved her bed. She loved her sheets. She loved her coffee maker and many more appliances. They were hers and it was always a struggle to leave to film for such a long time knowing she'd be tied up in a hotel or rental for the time, without her own things. This trip was probably the hardest to make though. She'd been on a bit of a hiatus and had spent her time resting, recharging, and even doing some smaller consults with people who contacted her. But in the midst of her break she met a woman. It was through one of her first consultations during the break. The woman's best friend had written to Billie detailing this extremely sad story about how she'd been left to care for her daughter alone after her partner died years ago. The woman had explained to her friend that her daughter had been 'talking to' her mom recently and she was concerned there was something going on. The friend's letter went into countless occurrences that the woman had found her daughter looking off behind her or laughing alone in her room. Billie wasn't sure what it was about the letter, but she followed up with the friend and set up an appointment to meet with all three of them.

Billie pulled into the apartment complex and looked herself over briefly before heading toward the building. She wasn't sure what to expect. She hardly worked with children and never in an instance like this. She's normally the only one who can see the spirits, but she's often heard that spirits appear to children much easier than an adult. Kids haven't been dulled by reality and their minds were open to those experiences. Obviously with imaginary friends and stuff, it's not uncommon for kids to talk to themselves but from what she's heard this was different.

She arrived at the apartment and knocked lightly and waited patiently. She heard some shuffling on the otherside of the door and looked toward the peephole with a smile. The door creaked open slowly and her eyes fell on a beautiful woman with a toddler on her hip. "Hi Ms. Howard." The woman spoke softly, stepping aside to let her inside.

"Hello dear, you must be Y/n?" Billie asked as she took a step inside the apartment and turned toward the woman while she closed the door. Y/n nodded softly and adjusted the little girl on her hip protectively before leading her into the living room area.

"Yes, I am Y/n and this is my daughter Florence." Y/n said, looking down toward the little girl who gazed at Billie shyly. Billie smiled warmly and waved at the little girl before turning her attention back to her mother. "I'm not sure what Mallory told you, but I really appreciate you taking the time to come help us."

Billie smiled again, "I hope I can be of some service. I must admit I've never been in this situation before, but I'm more than willing to help where I can. Mallory told me a bit in her letter, but why don't you tell me what's been going on and we can start from there?"
The woman nodded before going into a retelling of the events that have been taking place over the last few months. "Flo had always been a good baby, she never really cried at night. Or if she started crying, by the time I got to her she was already gurgling and smiling up at me from her crib. I never really thought much of spirits or anything until recently. She's turning 5 in two months and she'll be starting school soon. I don't know if I should be worrying and warning her teachers about this or something but when I told Mallory she contacted you. Like I said, I didn't really think much of any of her behavior because kids have imaginary friends and all of that. But I asked Flo what her imaginary friend's name was a few months ago after I found her in her room talking and laughing alone. And that's where it all got a bit much." Billie nodded along attentively as the woman rambled a bit before pausing to take a deep breath. She'd let her daughter play on the floor quietly, completely oblivious to the conversation happening overhead.

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