tammy x reader

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a/n: yes i started this last october...oh well halloween in january

"alright you guys, this isn't funny anymore. come on out before your mom gets here. as soon as she gets here you guys are going trick or treating and if you're hiding trying to scare me you aren't getting ready to trick or treat." y/n called as she walked down the dark hallway of the robinson house hold. she'd been the family's nanny for about 6 months now and during that time she'd grown to know these kids pretty well.

it's halloween and tammy was coming home for the week to spend some time with the kids. over the last 6 months, y/n and tammy's two children, Derek and Keri, had grown fairly close. So close that they had learned how easily y/n was to scare. And they were definitely taking advantage of that this month. Y/n was on the cusp of a heart attack and she had a feeling a jumpscare was waiting for her right that second.

"Keri. Derek. This isn't funny. When you both kill me, what are you gonna tell your mom?" Y/n tried one last time before she finally gave up and faced her doom. Just as she was about to enter Keri's room the front door opened and in walked the blonde mother.

"Hey guys, I'm home!" Tammy called and out ran the two children making a beeline for the front door. Y/n sighed in relief and made her way to the small family in the doorway. "Why aren't you guys in your costumes? I thought we were going trick or treating tonight?" Tammy asked eyeing the half-dressed children clinging to her legs.

"We were trying to scare Y/n." Derek grinned over at his nanny.

"Oh really? That doesn't seem very nice. Why would you do that?" Tammy asked before raising her eyes to Y/n with a smirk.

"Because it's funny mommy!" Keri giggled before running into Y/n's legs. Y/n smiled at the little girl before pulling her onto her hip and tickling her side.

"You think scaring me is funny, but I think tickling you is funny." Y/n said as Keri tried to bat her hands away as she giggled uncontrollably. "See not so funny now, huh? Derek, don't laugh. You're next buddy." Y/n said eyeing both of the children and causing more giggles to fill the hallway. Derek hid between Tammy and the door begging his mother to protect him.

"Mommy save me!" Keri cried reaching her arms toward her mother.

"Nu-uh. Looks like you deserve it Ker-bear." Tammy smirked as her daughter turned to beg y/n to have mercy on her. "Why don't you two go work on getting Keri in her costume and Derek and I will do the same?"

"Sound good." Y/n said with a grin as she rushed toward the little girl's room.

After a while both woman exited the bedrooms with a child on their hip and fully in costume. "Oh aren't you just the cutest little Duck to ever waddle out of the pond." Tammy grinned as Keri quacked from Y/n's hip.

"Oh and Derek you'll obviously be leading everyone to the treasure tonight, only a true pirate can find all that candy treasure." Y/n smiled as Tammy sat Derek down on the floor. The little boy nodded excitedly before running over to his nanny excitedly. Y/n placed Keri on the floor and then made her way to the kitchen. "Here are both of your baskets. Remember what we talked about, you're gonna be on your best behavior with your mom tonight."

"Oh, you're not joining us?" Tammy called as she leaned on the wall of the kitchen.

"Oh no, I figured you'd want to spend some time with the kids . but they promised they wouldn't give you too much trouble." Y/n said turning her attention back to the excited kids.

"Y/n is just scared to get scared." Derek said with a smirk.

"That is not true." Y/n quickly denied.

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