cordelia goode x reader

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Our Bundle of Joy

Nine months pregnant. Ready to pop at any moment really. Y/n waddled her way through the lower level of the academy quietly in search of a late-night snack. She had no idea what the little human inside of her was in the mood for, but she knew they wanted something. The academy floorboards creaked under her swollen feet as the other students slept soundly. Y/n was one of the older students, she'd joined about 6 months prior and had pretty much spent her time there as The Pregnant Witch. Her unexpected pregnancy had been her top priority and under the stress of her career, her trauma, and the baby she'd started exhibiting some rather weird new skills. It wasn't until she'd woken up in a random meadow at two months pregnant that she decided it was time to look into the powers. Once she figured out how to make it back home she quickly looked into witchcraft and that's how she found herself at the academy a week later.

As y/n rounded the corner she made a beeline for the refrigerator, she knew she had a few more strawberries left that she could snack on but she's sure when she opens the refrigerator something else will jump out at her. She opened the fridge and grabbed the bowl of strawberries, the jar of pickles, and some chocolate syrup. She grinned happily and bumped the door closed with her hip before making her way over to the table quietly. She dove right in lathering the strawberries in chocolate syrup and biting into a pickle, she was so distracted she failed to see Cordelia watching her from the doorway of the garden and greenhouse. Cordelia quietly watched as the mother-to-be wolfed down the food in front of her without a care in the world. Cordelia had had very odd feelings about y/n since her arrival and she was still very unsure about those feelings. She could remember her arrival like it was yesterday. She was obviously shocked to see the girl on the doorstep but was even more surprised when she disclosed her pregnancy.

"You don't have like a rule or anything about pregnant witches?" Y/n asked looking up at Cordelia as she stood in the doorway of the academy. Cordelia's eyebrows rose in confusion as she eyed the younger woman.

Y/n saw the confusion spreading across the headmistress' face and moved her oversized coat to show the growing baby bump to the blonde. Cordelia's face switched to understanding and shock. "Oh I see..." Cordelia finally said before ushering the woman into the academy

Cordelia had to admit, she'd been extremely jealous of Y/n when she'd first arrived. Obviously, she didn't let it show, she made sure Y/n's stay was as smooth as any of the other girls she had welcomed to the academy. She even went out of her way to make her comfortable, but sometimes in the back of her mind, she found herself wishing it was her. Wishing she was pregnant but she knew that wasn't going to happen for her. So in a sense, she'd taken to living through Y/n. She'd spent a majority of the first couple of months of her stay helping from afar and offering her help when necessary. Driving the younger woman to doctor's appointments, stocking the fridge with a variety of foods, and really just doing everything she'd like someone to do if she were pregnant. One day Cordelia had dropped Y/n off at her appointment like usual and had gone to do a few errands. Y/n was at least six months pregnant at this point and she'd been feeling a bit weird for the past couple of weeks. When Cordelia returned to the office, she waited outside as she usually did, but when the younger woman didn't come out, she got worried. The younger woman had been holed up in the office fending off the advances of a male doctor. Cordelia was quick to assist and ushered the pregnant witch back to the Academy. They didn't talk about it in the car or anything, but Cordelia started coming inside all of her appointments with her. Y/n never really said anything about it but the grateful smile she held every time Cordelia helped her on the table was enough for Cordelia.

Y/n and Cordelia weren't unfriendly with each other; it was just a problematic dynamic. Y/n admired Cordelia for her work and help but felt odd considering her a friend because of Cordelia's behavior. Cordelia had grown quite fond of Y/n; she just really struggled with the idea that someone else in the house was experiencing the one thing she couldn't have. So it was always a bit awkward for them both when alone. But she was determined to fix that relationship. With the baby coming so soon, she'd hate for there to be any animosity between the two of them when she'd be the main one fawning over the new mother.

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