ally mayfair-richards x reader

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title: Just Ask (AU) didn't mean to do two ally one shots back to back sorry </3

She was exhausted. She'd been working tirelessly and she was in serious need of a drink. Between the campaigning and taking care of Oz she hardly had any time to herself. But when she did she couldn't help but to feel the loneliness start to set in.

It was hard walking this road alone but she didn't know who to trust anymore. And with her status it was rather hard to find someone looking to love her and not her job or money. But what could she really do? She hadn't had any serious luck with love for a few months now. She'd been seeing this girl occasionally when they both had time, but she'd started getting attached and pulled away out of fear. Y/n was always so great and Ally had realized she'd fallen a bit too deep when she was thinking up ways to have her meet Oz. She wasn't ready for that but her heart was ready for it. It all felt too fast, so she did the only thing she could think of and stopped going when Y/n asked her out. She just stopped seeing her at all, which was difficult since she owned the best coffee shop in town and Ally was a frequent customer. But she'd started making coffee at home, it wasn't as good but it did the job.

Oz was with his new nanny and as much as Ally wanted an alcoholic drink, she knew she still had a ways to get home. She drove aimlessly for a while letting her mind fester on the loneliness and Y/n and she hadn't really realized where she was headed until she pulled into a parking spot. She put the car in park and gazed up at the very familiar cafe. The neon "24 Hour" sign flashed and she knew she couldn't just sit out in the car. She got out slowly and slid into the shop quietly. The place was empty but as soon as the bell over the door rang she heard her voice.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll be right with you!" called from the back.

She did move, stayed by the door of the shop and waited for the woman who'd occupied her mind to come to the front. It wasn't long before heard her quick steps and saw her face. She figured y/n would be angry or tell her to leave. Something far worse than what she got.

"I wondered when you'd come back in." The woman smirked lightly as she watched the tension leave ally's shoulders a bit as a blush rose to her cheeks. "have a seat, I'll get you a hot chocolate." Ally nodded and took a seat in the booth she always sat in. She played with her hands a bit trying to figure out what she was gonna do or say. She really hadn't thought this through at all.

It wasn't until the a mug and plate were sat in front of her that she realized how long she'd really been in her mind. She looked up and saw Y/n take a seat across from her. She eyed the mug and muffin briefly before her eyes met Y/n's again.

"Hi." She mumbled out timidly.

"Hi." Y/n replied back as she leaned against the back of the booth seat. "What brings you by so late? I know my stuff amazing, but you've been avoiding this place for three months now. so it can't be that."

Ally reached for the mug to distract herself a bit as she thought of an answer. Why was she there? At 2 am when she could be at home in bed, alone. "I'm not really sure why I'm here. I don't even consciously remember driving here."

"Well some part of you must've really wanted some hot chocolate." y/n teased trying to lighten the fog over Ally's brain. "By the way I added a bit of butterscotch in there, not a lot because you still have to drive. but just a little something to help you sleep tonight."

Ally gazed at the woman and couldn't help the soft smile that took over her lips. She always seems so confident, always knows exactly what to do. It's something Ally was drown to originally. How Ally had stumbled into her shop between meetings, phone wedged between her ear talking and talking about who knows what. She hadn't even noticed it was her turn to order and when she got to the counter she was scrambling. Y/n slid a to-go cup over the counter turning it over to show the order written on the side. Ally eyed the words skeptically before her eyes met the woman's in shock. It's her go-to order anytime she's at a coffee shop. She smiled and reached for her wallet but stopped again as the woman spoke.

"It's on the house." And with that the woman turned to take the other customers orders. It was the best coffee she'd had and it was the start of it all.

"y/n..." Ally breathed out feeling her heart pick up. Before she could even get to far gone she felt y/n's hands on her own. "I'm sorry."

y/n's hands never left Ally's and the smile never left her face. "you don't have to be sorry honey."

Ally shook her head adamantly, "No i do have to be sorry. I ghosted you for no reason and I feel awful about it."

Y/n chucked and watched as the pout set into the older woman's features. "Well I forgive you."

"Can you at least be a little mad first?" Ally pouted.

"Fine i'll take the muffin back." Y/n said causing Ally's eyes to widen.

"Not that mad. Can't you just yell at me or something?" Y/n shook her head in amusement before pulling the muffin in the middle of the table and taking a bite out of it.

"We can share."

Ally dramatically sighed in relief before taking the muffin from Y/n's hands with a smile and taking a bite. She chewed the dessert slowly savoring the treat she'd been craving for months. She really can't believe she thought she could go on without this. Not just the muffin but without y/n in general. She brings so much light into Ally's world. She was a angel really, always there to guide her through situations she didn't even know she needed help with. Ally's eyes remained on Y/n as she contemplated her options. Yes she forgave her, but how does she get her back. How can she tell her she wants something serious...

"All you gotta do is ask." Y/n said softly with a smile.

Ally sighed looking at the table before meeting her eyes again, "Can we try again? For real this time, like no more games." Ally asked before adding nervously. "Like meet my son for real."

Y/n's heart soared as she gazed lovingly at the woman. She'd been waiting for Ally to come to terms with everything and knew she'd return at some point ready to give them a real try. "Now was that so hard? Of course we can try again honey. We take this at your pace. If you want or need something from me all you have to do is ask. And that goes for any situation."

Ally blushed deeply before sliding the mug and muffin out of the way, "Well in that case, Can I kiss you?"

"Come on over here, I missed those lips." and they sealed their fate with a kiss. and several more kisses.

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