ally mayfair-richards x reader

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The Boston Icebox
The sun was just rising as Y/n sat in the dimly lit Airport. The airport was already bustling with passengers running toward terminals, screaming children, and flight attendants dodging families as they headed to their flights. Y/n had woken up earlier than she ever had in her life to make sure she was on time for her flight. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she missed her one-way ticket to her best friend.

Y/n's lips spread in a wide grin as she thought about her the woman waiting for her. Ally Mayfair. Dr. Mayfair to her students, a pale woman with a bob that hung at her jawline. She was the smartest woman that Y/n knew and it was finally time for them to reunite. They hadn't been in the same state in 4 years now, with Ally moving to Boston to teach and Y/n moving to Atlanta to go to grad school. So when they were both able to schedule this trip Y/n jumped at the opportunity to be in the presence of her favorite person.


Y/n grabbed her suitcase and made her way through the airport slowly. She pulled her phone out ready to call Ally like she'd been instructed by the older woman. The phone rang a total of two times before she heard the excited voice of her best friend.

"Where are you? I can't see you. What do you see around you? Am I at the wrong airport? Oh my god, what if I'm at the wrong airport?" The older woman rambled as the phone filled with her voice and the movement.

"Ally. Al, calm down. I'm leaving the baggage return right now and heading toward the exit like you said. Please calm down. I'm coming around the corner, I see you right now. Turn around and hang up." Y/n said as she finally saw Ally waiting there for her. As soon as the line went dead she shoved her phone back in her pocket and hurried over to the older brunette and threw herself into her arms.

"Oh my god, you're finally here." Ally whispered into Y/n's hair as she held her close to her chest with a content smile. Y/n snuggled further into Ally's embrace, feeling like she'd just returned home.

"I'm here, now feed me." Y/n said, causing Ally to laugh, poking her sides.

"Alright come on, let's get you settled because we've got plans tonight." Ally said, grabbing Y/n's bag and her hand leading her through the airport.

"We do?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, we do. The department is having a get-together to ring in the holiday and now that I have a super hot date I have to go." Ally grinned over at Y/n.

"We'll you're right about one thing. You do have one hot date."

Chilly hands furiously rubbed together as they worked to produce any form of heat. Y/n had never experienced a winter like this, and she was suffering. She blew into her hands as she fidgeted in the leather seat of the car she was in, hoping any movement would help her warm-up. She watched as the snow fell around the vehicle and buildings. The sun had long gone down, and now she was left in the pitch black, the only light coming from the moon and the two street lights illuminating the parking lot. She was beginning to give up when the driver's side door opened abruptly.

"Sweetheart, why didn't you turn the car on? You're going to freeze out here." The voice called as a head popped into the car door opening. Y/n gasped as the wind and snow flew in around the head and felt her body shiver even more than it already was.

"Well, if you don't get in the car, I might die of hypothermia." The driver laughed heartily before sliding into the car and closing the door, blocking their bodies from the raging winds around them. She started the car with a smile and turned the heat as high as it would go. She watched as Y/n opened every vent, turning them toward herself, and placed her hands toward them.

"You know, I told you to bring a heavy coat before you planned your visit."

"Ally, I don't want to hear it. You know I don't own a heavy coat. I'm from Atlanta, Georgia. I have never seen this much snow in my life. I can't believe you talked me into visiting you during the coldest week of the year. Why couldn't you teach on a beach somewhere?" Y/n complained, causing Ally to roll her eyes with a laugh; now that the younger woman was warming up, so was her attitude.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sweetheart, I guess I should start asking around to see if I can rally some of the other staff to petition for the relocation of Harvard. Since Boston isn't to your liking, where would you prefer?" Ally grinned, shifting her body to face the passenger seat. She watched Y/n's face contort into a glare, and Ally's smile only grew wider. She reached over the console for Y/n's hand and brought it to her lips, placing a sweet kiss on her knuckles. She felt the cold spread through her lips and frowned, realizing how cold Y/n was. "We're going to have to get you some gloves for when you visit; I can't have your pretty fingers falling off because of frostbite. I've got to take care of my best friend."

Y/n only nodded in approval as Ally began running her hands over her body, causing her to feel the warmth re enter her body finally. She may not have been used to this weather, but she'd follow that woman to the ends of the earth. She wasn't sure if Ally knew, but she could take a job on the North Pole, and Y/n would send in an application to Santa's toy shop. Ally fussed over her a bit more, listing off the things she would buy for her to keep in Boston. Y/n softly smiled as she lifted her eyes to gaze over the woman's face. Her brown eyes glowed in the dimly lit car and moved around wildly as she recalled all the essentials for living comfortably up north. Y/n's focused on every detail of Ally, tracing the lines and creases lining Ally's mouth and eyes. The soft pink dusting her lips and the smell of cinnamon on her breath. She was smitten, and she was positive it was apparent.
Ally's hands continued their caresses, and Y/n wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was the snow falling, or perhaps it was the stillness of the car, but at that moment, Y/n knew she had to have Ally. And so she pulled her close, the change in proximity brought Ally to silence, and as both of their eyes shifted from each other's eyes to lips, the women brought their lips together in a soft kiss. Both still tasting like the apple cider they'd shared earlier in the evening. They pulled away tentatively, eyes squeezed shut, scared to see the other person's reaction, and froze. As they sat in fear, the snow continued to cover the city; the moon danced between the stars and the town roared with life—all except two longing souls in a parked car.

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