lana winters x reader

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Lana's Angel

tw: guns, violence, blood, and wounds (nothing too detailed but it still exists)

It has been weeks and weeks of isolation. Lana had just finished a rather extensive story and was not being received very well by her peers or the community really. She had uncovered a string of wrongdoings in a local church and had been determined to expose the pastor and deacons behind it all. None of the congregation was ready to hear that their beloved clergy was really more sinister than what the bible talked about, but Lana had a job to do, and she was going to do it. In return, she'd been receiving a great deal of hate from someone. Hate mail sent to her office was normal, nothing compared to what she'd already been through, but now they'd found her house. She'd been getting letters addressed to her home with no return address, and her team felt it would be safer for her to isolate for a bit in hopes that things would die down. She'd been staying in her home for about a week now and was trying to take this time to relax and vacation per the request of her agent, but she was getting restless. Lana Winters had been through hell; she wasn't going to let a few bible thumpers keep her inside. The most concerning thing for Lana was not knowing who was doing this. The journalist in her wants to go full Sherlock and find out who's behind all of this, but her agent had told her he'd be in charge of all of that, and she was to stay put.

"Ladies, Charlie's got a new one for us," Bosley said as the four women entered the office.

"Wow, we just landed last night. Must be rather important, don't you think, ladies." Kelly said as she moved to sit on the couch.

"Oh, it's definitely of some importance. Charlie always gives us a bit of a break before going back into a new case. Next day must be of the most importance." Kris said as she took a seat, followed by Sabrina and Y/n.

"Well, Angels, I'll tell you what's so important. A close friend of mine is having a bit of trouble with one of his clients. She's gotten herself into a bit of trouble. Famous author and reporter Lana Winters has been receiving anonymous letters and death threats with no return address. And her agent needs our help finding out who is behind it." Charlie said, causing the women in the room to nod in understanding.

"Isn't she that lesbian reporter who they locked up in that Briarcliff place a few years ago?" Sabrina asked, turning her head to the group.

"Oh yeah, I read her book. The things they did to her? I couldn't imagine." Y/n added as she shuddered uncomfortably in her seat.

"Well, since you all know of her, why don't you go by her home to introduce yourselves. We want to handle this as soon as possible. Her agents want her back out in public as soon as possible." Charlie's voice broke through the speaker again.

"Try to make nice with her; we don't want to offend her or anything," Bosley warned the women with a glare. The women chuckled, rolling their eyes as they put their coats on.

"Oh, and angels, she's not expecting you. You might have to do a bit of persuading." Charlie called out. The four women let out groans of frustration before rolling their eyes and leaving the office.

"Y/n you've been kinda quiet, are you okay?" Kelly asked as they all hopped into the car and headed for Lana's address.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Y/n answered before feeling Kris elbow her in the side.

"I think Y/n is just worried about meeting Lana Winters. She's only slightly obsessed with her and everything she's done." Kris said cheekily.

"I'm not obsessed; I just...enjoy her work," Y/n mumbled.

"Mmhm, sure." Sabrina giggled as they watched Y/n's cheeks heat up in the rearview mirror.


Lana was sitting in her office, cataloging potential stories, when she heard her doorbell sounding through the home. She put her things away, heading to the door, stopping to check her appearance on her way. She wasn't expecting anyone, and the only person who actually came by now was her agent or Kit, but they always warned her before arriving. She looked through the peephole curiously and was very surprised to see four young women standing on her porch expectantly. She opened the door slowly and eyed each woman curiously. "Um, may I help you?"

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