cordelia goode x reader

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a/n: i couldn't decide if this was platonic or romantic

tw// blood

The sun was setting as it always did. Just one of the many consistencies in y/n's life. Y/n lived a very routine life. She'd always been the type to follow a strict schedule. Scheduling her days to the T, to ensure nothing unexpected happened to her. No accidents, no arguments, nothing out of the ordinary. Today was like every other day. She woke up to the sound of her alarm. Made her way through the academy swiftly. Snagging her breakfast and eating quickly, before heading to her classroom to prepare for her lessons for the day. Each class went as it normally did. She'd been working at the academy for about three months now and was just starting to get into this new routine. Y/n knew Myrtle Snow pretty well through her mother and when Cordelia expressed an interest in hiring some other teachers, the older witch was quick to recommend Y/n. Cordelia had been more than open to the idea especially considering Y/n received such high praise from her pseudo-mother. So when it came time for the interview both of the women seemed to hit it off. Y/n started working immediately and has been doing so ever since.

After her classes, Y/n normally busied herself with preparing for her next lessons. And after all of those were handled she stayed in her classroom or bedroom until dinner time. Since she was still technically the "new witch in school" she tried to keep to herself. It wasn't that she disliked the other witches in the house, she just preferred the quiet over the rowdiness that sometimes took place in the academy. And today was just like any other day. She was watching the sun set as she always did and waiting to hear the stampede of feet heading toward the kitchen. After a few minutes she made her way down the stairs settling into a seat closer to the younger girls and let her attention roam over the faces in the room.

Although she kept to herself she observed a lot of behavior amongst the academy occupants. She'd begun noticing and associating people with things. So when the usual dinner chatter ensued she couldn't help but notice the difference in sound. She turned her head to the head of the table and found herself frowning when she noticed the supreme was no where in sight. cordelia was always at dinner, she always made it a point to have every meal with the girls to ensure they remained a coven of sister witches. she never wanted them to feel like she was unavailable or too busy for them so every meal she sat at the head of the table, with a gentle smile and a voice of reason when necessary.

Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Y/n finished her dinner as usual and once people started dispersing she made her leave to look for the Supreme. She wasn't entirely sure why she felt like she needed to find her, like she needed to set her eyes on the woman to ensure she was fine but there she was trekking through the various halls of the academy in search of the blonde. She knew Cordelia frequented the greenhouse, her office, and her bedroom. She wanted to try all of those places but didn't want to make it obvious she was looking for her to the other girls, so she roamed a bit with a trained eye. She past her bedroom, her office, and finally circled back to the kitchen that had cleared out by now to head out to the greenhouse.

As soon as she stepped outside of the academy and closer to the greenhouse she felt an energy she hadn't felt before. It wasn't a sign of danger or caution, which lead her to continue on her way but as she lay her hand on the door of the house of plants she felt it at its strongest. A calling, a drawing, that beckoned her near. She pushed the door open tentatively and let her eyes roam the dim workspace. Just as she was about to turn and leave her eyes caught a glimpse of the familiar halo of blonde hair situated in a rocking chair in the corner. She watched quietly as the supreme rocked slowly with her eyes closed. Y/n felt as if she was intruding and wanted so desperately to turn and head back to the house, but her feet seemed to have a mind of their own as she found herself planted in front of the Supreme.

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