cordelia goode x reader

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A/N: angsty very short epistle/short story starter i wrote for class. it's AU and set in new york city sometime in the 1920s but I feel like it reads for any time period.

My Dearest Cordelia,

Out of all 6 million people floating through this city, I had to fall for you. The broadway lights were so bright, but none stood a chance compared to you. You're the brightest light of them all and I think that was my downfall. Living with you has been my greatest pleasure here in the big city. Being your best friend. Your roommate. There is no other way I would have liked to spend my time in New York. I am writing this letter to let you know that this time must sadly come to an end. By the time you find this, you will probably be married, mothering three miniature yous, and living happily. But I couldn't bear telling you this to your face. Not after you looked so happy showing your ring off to the girls at Lord & Taylor. Walking the streets of Lower Manhattan on our way back home, looking all dopey at your hand. I could never take that away from you. Not in this lifetime. You deserve that happiness even if I can't give it to you.

I don't really know when this all started. You've always been my dearest friend. My favorite person...but somewhere along the years, I think my feelings became a bit more intense. I have been wrestling with this for so long. Knowing it's wrong. Knowing you would never feel the same way about me. Pushing these feelings away in hopes that they would just vanish altogether, but then you would smile that pretty smile of yours and I was right back where I had started. I think I realized it was love last Spring. I had just wrapped up my shift at the department store. You had the day off so I was bored out of my mind and eager to get home. To get home to hear about your day. To listen to your favorite radio station on the small radio your parents had gifted you last Christmas. I was just eager to see and be with you. And you didn't make it any easier that day. I walked in to see you dancing around all by yourself. Wearing that satin pink nightgown that you wore on especially hot nights. Eyes closed and arms stretched out wide. And it was at that moment I couldn't deny it any longer. I was in love.

I am in love.

But as I said before, I could never take anything from you. All I have ever wanted is for you to be happy. Happy with whoever makes you happiest. And if Hank is that man, I have no choice but to standby. Stand by your decision. And support you as your friend. But that brings me to the other reason I am writing to you. Delia, I must leave. As much as I wish to stay, I'm afraid I won't be able to watch you live happily. I'm afraid I'll lose myself trying to ensure you are your happiest without me. So I have decided to leave. I know what you are thinking. How cowardice. Well, yes. I'm choosing cowardice. I'm choosing your happiness over my own and I think it is the best decision I have made in my life. Aside from the decision to allow myself to love you.

My dearest Cordelia, you will always be my first true love. My truest love. Please live for us both. Love for us both. And hopefully one day our paths will cross again.


Your Y/n

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