-Stake out-

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Standing in the loading room in the back of the club, I think about what we need to do about the Dragons and Paisley. For example, Paisley has been coming in when I'm having meetings, with the crew and listens to everything we're talking about. She knows that she isn't getting involved with the stake out, but I thought as long as she didn't fight me on that then, she could stay and listen to the plans.

"Okay, so as you all know we'll go to the old Dragons hideout location, and go in shifts watching the place. I think that their movement times, are in the early mornings around eight and then they come back around eight at night to the hideout again." I tell everyone.

"So what do you want us to do exactly." Jaxson asks standing next to Zander and Karson.

"I want you, Axton and Asher to go now and keep an eye out,
report any movement there may be, if before 8 in the morning. You'll be there for eleven hours.

"Zander, Karson and Ryder on the next round for eleven hours. Also may be see if there is anyway you might be able to get in the hideout and plant some mics and cameras to watch the place."

"That is'nt a problem at all, we'll just find the best time to go in." Zander tell everyone.

"Okay good, lets head out at seven in the morning." I tell everyone before they all leave to do some deliveries.

Paisley walks up to Ryder and I. "So is Ryder leaving in the morning."

"No not in the morning, but he will leave in the evening to change shifts with Zander and Karson."

"Okay, so do you mind if I steal him for a little bit." She asks looking at me with a pouty lip.

"Yes Paisley, you can take Ryder for a while." I grins at her.

As my sister and Ryder leave the loading room, I go to my office to look into some other information on Zeke.


"So what did you want to do before I leave tonight." I ask Paisley wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I was thinking maybe we could go get some early dinner and then go back to the house, rest watching a movie." Paisley leans up and kisses my lips.

"That sounds good. Where were you thinking of going to eat." I kiss her back on the lips.

"How about we call the family resturant 'La Blanc' and order some food, then go back to the house and watch the movie in my room."

"That sounds like a really good idea. How do you come up with all these good ideas." I kiss her on the lips again.

We both head out of the club and to my car. As we leave the club Paisley gets on her phone and calls the resturant and orders our food. After we picked up the food, we headed to the house and went to Paisley's room.

Once we ate the food we got from 'La Blanc', I laid down on Paisley's bed and she snuggles into my side, and I wrapped my arms around her. I know she's worried about this stake out tonight. From the time Paisley and I have been together I have noticed her concern for everyone, she is just like her mom in that way, she worries about everyone else before herself.

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