Chapter Fifteen: Summer 1978

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Aries celebrated her seventeenth birthday at the end of June, Fleamont and Euphemia had gone all out with party decorations, she could tell where James got the party fever from

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Aries celebrated her seventeenth birthday at the end of June, Fleamont and Euphemia had gone all out with party decorations, she could tell where James got the party fever from.

Becoming of age meant she was able to get her apparition license.

"I better not find you with bloody splinch wounds again now you've passed." Sirius said, sitting down at the table for breakfast.

"It was just once, and now I know how to actually apparate." Aries said, setting down the letter.

Euphemia walked in and placed a stack of pancakes onto the table.

"Thanks Mum," James said, kissing her cheek as he sat down. "So what's the plan for today?" he asked Aries and Sirius.

The two hesitated.

"I'm going to Moony's for a few days." Sirius said, sipping on his pumpkin juice. "Hope has got a new garden swing and she wants us to help fix it up."

"Ugh." James sighed, he then looked at Aries who gave him a smile. "You're not leaving me as well, are you?"

"I'm going to meet Peter's parents, I'm also staying there for a bit."

James dramatically gasped, staring at them both. "I open my house to the two of you and you decide to leave me!"

Sirius rolled his eyes.

"James, aren't you going to Lily's tonight?" Fleamont said, poking his head from behind the daily prophet.

"That is besides the point, my children are growing up-"

"I'm older than you." Sirius said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I can't believe you've done this."

"Love you too, Prongs." Sirius smirked.


Aries packed her bag for the nights she would be away, a small sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach, she was worried about meeting Peter's parents, although she had been reassured by both James and Sirius the they were the nicest people in the world, well just behind Fleamont and Euphemia.

"You okay, Sweetie?" Euphemia asked, she walked into the bedroom with a warm smile.

"Uh, yeah... I'm just a little nervous." Aries said, fumbling with the straps of her bag.

"We can't have that, whatever are you nervous for?" Euphemia walked towards Aries, stroking her shoulder.

"I'm worried I'm going to make the wrong impression and... that they'll judge me because of my name."

"Aries, you are the most well mannered young woman I have ever met, you could never make a wrong impression. And if they judge you on your name then that means they have small minds, nothing ever good comes to those with small minds." She took Aries hand, lightly rubbing it with her thumb. "And if they do, tell me and I'll go down there and give them a piece of my mind, I don't care if I am seventy six, it never stopped me before."

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