Chapter Forty Nine: You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone

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"What do you think happens to us when we die?"

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"What do you think happens to us when we die?"

Aries looked up at her older brother. "I don't know."

"Do you think it hurts?"

"I'm not sure."


Aries lay awake one morning in June, birds chirped outside, a mourning dove cooed in the distance. The constant noise wouldn't let her sleep.

She turned over, facing a sleeping Leo. He snored lightly, it had never bothered her, she always thought it was cute. She reached over brushing his hair with her fingers, he stirred slightly, squinting his eyes open.

"Goodmorning." He gave a crooked smile.

"Morning." she smiled back.

He moved closer kissing her shoulder softly, he trailed up towards her neck. "I don't have to get ready for work for another twenty minutes."

"Perfect." Aries said, kissing him.

Just as things were about to get heated the door swung open, "Rise and shine, it's another beautiful morning!"

"Sirius! You're supposed to knock." Aries glared. "We're in the middle of something."

"You say that like I care." he shrugged, turning to leave the room. "Breakfast is nearly ready."

Aries slumped back onto her pillow.

"Should we pick up where we left off?" Leo asked.

She shook her head. "Moments gone, I've got a long day so I'd better get ready."

She got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom, turning the shower on and waiting for the water to get hot. She rubbed the sleep out her eyes, despite the fact she had barely slept.

After she was done she headed back to her room, Leo had finished getting ready, their voices could be heard from the kitchen.

The rest of the day was more or less the same as everyday. First she met with Moody and Chloe, they would brief her of her day and then her and Tonks patrolled an area.

"Just one more meeting this week and then it's done until Monday." Tonks said, as the two finished their watch. They made their way back to Grimmauld Place.

"It's Monday tomorrow."

"No... Oh shit, yeah it is." Tonks rolled her eyes. "Well mum said she was coming round for dinner so hopefully she's cooking."

"I hope so too." Aries muttered.

The meeting was the same as always, Aries almost wanted to ask  what was the point, but she was too tired. And her head was hurting, worse than usual.

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