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Reid wasn't sure how long he had been sitting in the holding cell when an officer opened the door to let his wife in. "Max!", he exclaimed, jumping up from the bench he had been sitting on to rush towards the metal bars that were separating them.

Max looked like she had been up all night, which wasn't surprising. Reid didn't even want to know what he looked like after hours at the police station. "Hey, are you okay?", Max asked him softly, placing her hands over his.

"Yeah, I'm fine, do you know where they took Maeve?", Reid asked hurriedly. That was his biggest concern next to his own legal troubles. What would happen to Maeve? Juvie? Foster care? Richards? Reid spend hours coming up with possible scenarios, one worse than the other.

"I'm sorry, Spence. I tried to stop them but... Her social worker picked her up and brought her to a different foster family. I wasn't allowed to know where to. ", Max explained, a distraught expression on her face. Reid knew what she felt like, helpless.

"Have you tried calling her?", he asked next. He wasn't sure if a new foster home was really the better option next to Juvie. It entirely depended on the home she was sent to and only Maeve herself could tell them how she was doing.

"Yes. She didn't pick up.", Max replied and Spencer felt his heart sink.

"Shit...", he hissed under his breath. "How was she when he picked her up?" He needed to get an idea of the frame of mind Maeve had been when she had left. Judging by the expression on Max' face it wasn't good.

"Checked out, she wouldn't even look at us. It's awful...", She explained and Reid pulled his hands away from hers before starting to pace up and down his holding cell.

"This is bad...", he mumbled to himself, which was honestly a gigantic understatement. This wasn't just bad, it was catastrophic. And something told him that this wasn't over yet. Not even close. This felt like the endgame, and it was only getting started.

"Spencer, you need to focus on yourself for a second.", Max stated after watching Spencer pace for a while.

"I'm fine.", he waved her off but Max wouldn't let him drop it that easily.

"You're in jail for drug possession.", she reminded him as if he wasn't painfully aware of that. As if he hadn't thought about all the repercussions this would have for his life, his job, his family...

"You know it's not mine, right?", he asked, stopping in his tracks to look at his wife. That was a concern that he hadn't even allowed himself to face yet, but now it seemed unavoidable.

"Spencer...", Max sighed, the expression on her face crushed and Reid couldn't help it. It reminded him of back then. Of his last relapse that ended with Max findig him drugged out of his mind in their bathroom. He'd never forget the look on her face when she found him. It wasn't the same expression now, but close, and Reid was terrified.

The World Is A Curse || Spencer Reid 's daughter || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now