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They received the results the next morning. Reid and his family had stayed at the office because it was still too dangerous for them to leave. Max still wouldn't speak to Reid but he was trying to not take it personally. She just needed to work it out herself.

When Emily called Reid into the conference room the next morning he couldn't wait for the results of the test while simultaneously fearing them. Whatever was written in those papers, it would irreversibly change Reid's life.

Max and Ely stood by his side as he opened the envelope and read through the document. Then he froze.

"What does it say?", Max asked, trying to get a peak at the document.

Reid needed a second to get moving again. His brain seemed to have short circuited. "It... It's positive. Maeve is my daughter."

Max let out a little gasp and both Emily and JJ looked like they were pitying him but Ely looked straight at Reid, just giving him a reassuring nod. His son was okay, now Reid needed to make sure that his daughter would be, too.

"Did you talk to the judge about the deal? Probation if she helps us?", Reid asked Emily as he put the document away.

Emily seemed irritated by the sudden change of subject but she didn't question it. "Yes, if she cooperates then we have the go-ahead.", She explained.

"Okay. I need to talk to child protective services. I want to take custody of her.", Reid started next but before Emily could even start to reply, Max stepped in.

"So we will just not talk about this?", She asked, her tone sharp.

"Can you give us a minute?", Reid asked, glancing to the rest of the team and they all left the conference room until it were only Reid and Max. Reid turned to face Max, leaning against the table so that he'd be on eye-level with her.

"Max, I get it, you're upset that I want to take her in-", he started but Max wasn't feeling like making up right now.

"Oh, no you don't get it.", She snapped, shaking her head. "I'm not upset that you want to be there for your daughter. I'm upset because you're making life-altering decisions without discussing them with me first. ", She stated and while Reid did understand that he also didn't understand what she expected him to do. He couldn't just pretend like Maeve wasn't his child.

"What do you want me to do? Abandon her?", He asked and he knew that he was being defensive but he also didn't really care.

Max glared at him for a moment before diverting her eyes and letting out a long heavy sigh. "You feel guilty because you weren't there for her and you want to make up for it now and give her a second chance. I understand that, I really do.", She stated, her tone much softer. "You're a great father and you care and that's what I love about you. But you're also rushing into this without thinking clearly. What if she isn't as innocent as she seems-", she suggested and Reid was aware that Max was trying to be understanding and that she was only worried but she had lost Reid at that point.

The World Is A Curse || Spencer Reid 's daughter || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now