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"NO!", Spencer screamed out as Maeve crumbled like a house of cards. He caught her before she could hit the floor, falling to his knees himself and cradling her in his arms.

Maeve's eyes were wide and terrified as she reached for the growing red spot on her chest. Her hand came away with blood.

"Maeve- Maeve-No-", Spencer whispered frantically as he tried to get his mind to work. He needed to figure out a way to get Maeve medical care. Based on the placement of the bullet wound her right lung was most likely punctured. He hadn't seen any exit wounds, so the bullet was probably still embedded somewhere inside her. The wound could start sucking air into her chest cavity and cause a lung to collapse which would be...bad.

He needed plastic or a bandage or something to temporarily close it off but he also needed to stop the bleeding. For now all he could do was rip off his jacket and press it against the wound as hard as he could, hopefully sealing off the airflow. Maeve gasped in agony, her face distorting in pain.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I know it hurts but I need to stop the bleeding... You could get a tension pneumothorax...", He whispered frantically. He had to call 911 but when he reached for his phone he realised that he had left it in the car. Stupid.

"Aww... Isn't that sweet... Richards, get the car, I want to enjoy this moment a little longer. ", Cat drawled, leaning forward in her seat to get a better look at the tragedy happening before her eyes.

Richards left. Reid didn't pay him or Cat any attention, his eyes shot over to Maeve's face. She had gone incredibly pale, her eyes started to flutter.

"Maeve- Maeve, keep your eyes on me.",he pleaded with her, using his free hand to cradle her face. Maeve's half-lidded eyes shot around frantically before landing on him.

"Maeve! Maeve! Maeve!", Cat started to chant, jumping off her seat before starting to circle them. "What a traitorous little bitch you were, you could've done it! Proved yourself to me, finally earned my love, but I knew you'd chose him.", She went on before stopping next to them and crouching down so that her face hovered above her daughter's. "Because you're weak, just like him.", She spat at her.

"SHUT UP!", Reid screamed at her. His own heart was racing in his chest, his mind felt fuzzy. He was panicking and he didn't know what to do. He was all alone and he didn't know how long Maeve could hold on like this.

"Spencer-", Maeve gasped, her voice thin, her breathing frantic.

"You know what? I'm actually disappointed in both of you. Because the Spencer Reid I knew, the Spencer Reid I fell in love with, wasn't a guy that fell for a silly little sob story and actually started to care about the abused little girl... You've gotten soft!", Cat continued to taunt them, openly snarling into Reid's face now.

The World Is A Curse || Spencer Reid 's daughter || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now