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After the kids woke up they all gathered for breakfast. Maeve seemed quite nervous at first but Ely whispered something in her ear and she seemed to relax a fraction. Reid wondered what had gone down last night but whatever it was, he was glad about it.

"Here's the plan for today.", Max started once they had all sat down around the breakfast table. " Spence, you and Maeve are gonna get some stuff for Maeve's room. Ely, you and I will go to the school for your rehearsal. Spence, you should also stop by a mall to get Maeve some clothes for tonight.", She explained.

It was Saturday. Tonight was Ely's showcase at school. Max and Spencer had thoroughly discussed if it was save to attend the event with Cat still on the loose. They eventually came to the conclusion that they couldn't put their entire life on hold and this evening was very important for Ely. The school always invited college scouts. Ely had to attend.

"What's tonight?", Maeve asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

"The school is having a showcase.", Ely explained. " A bunch of us show of what we've been working on to justify why the school is so god damn expensive.", He then added with a cheeky smile and the corners of  Maeve's mouth twitched a little.

"So that's like... a fancy event?", she asked. The expression on her face was difficult to read. She was either nervous or just curious. Maybe both, Reid wasn't sure.

"Sort of, yeah.", Ely shrugged.

"Are you sure that you want me to come?", Maeve then asked, looking down at the mug in her hands. So it had been nervous, not curious. Reid was starting to notice a pattern. Maeve rarely seemed to act the way she was actually feeling.

Reid looked to Max for a moment. His wife gave him an encouraging nod. "Of course, you're part of our family now.", Reid then said and that got Maeve to look at him again. She looked hesitant. Hesitant to believe him. " And you'll go to that school starting next week, so consider this your try-out-day.", Reid then added.

Maeve gave a shaky nod. "Okay. ", She then said after clearing her throat.

"Since we are discussing tonight. ", Ely suddenly spoke up, effectively pulling the attention away from Maeve. "You know how I wanted to go to that after party?", He asked carefully, like he knew that Max and Reid wouldn't be very enthusiastic about the topic.

He was right. They weren't.

"Ely, I'm sorry, you're not going to a party when a murderous lunatic is on the loose- ", Max quickly clarified before giving Maeve an apologetic look. "No offence.", she added sheepishly.

"None taken.", The girl shrugged simply. It seemed to be honest so Reid returned to the topic at hand.

"You know that going to the showcase is already a huge risk. The party is a no-go.", He pointed out and Ely rolled with his eyes as he nodded along.

The World Is A Curse || Spencer Reid 's daughter || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now