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Reid basically lived at the hospital in the days after Cat's attack. Max, Ely and the rest of the team came and went but he got a cot set up in Maeve's hospital room so that he could stay there. Two days after her surgery they were able to take her off the respirator and the nurses kept insisting that she was through the worst, that now it was only a matter of time until she woke up . Reid still worried. He felt like if he let her out of his sight, even just for an hour, something horrible would happen again. So he stayed.

Max brought over food and fresh clothes for him and Emily and JJ kept him updated about how the legal case against Cat and Richards was going.

"Cat is back on death row and for now they've got Richards charged with kidnapping, child endangerment and possession of a controlled substance, since they were able to recover his finger prints from the inside of the Dilaudid bag.", JJ updated him on the third day.

Reid was sat by Maeve's bedside, holding her hand. Without the respirator tube she looked like she was sleeping. In a way she was. The doctors said that her body needed time to recover. JJ had brought over a new flower bouquet to join the other five that were spread all over the room, next to "get well"-balloons , a gift basket and also a card that Charlie designed himself that said:"Maeve, you take my breath away." It was a morbid joke but Reid knew that Maeve would appreciate it.

" If Maeve wakes up she could add a few charges through her testimony.", JJ finished.

"When.", Reid corrected her, his eyes focused on Maeve's IV bag. The constant dripping had a surprisingly soothing effect.

"When what?", JJ asked and Reid glanced over at her.

"When Maeve's wakes up, not if.", he elaborated and an embarrassed expression crossed JJ's  face.

"Sorry, that's what I ment.", she apologized before reaching out and squeezing Reid's shoulder gently.

"And Nadia?", he asked, looking back at Maeve.

"In the wind... For now. But we'll find her. She can't run forever.", JJ promised and he could tell that she was trying to calm him down. It wasn't necessary. If Reid was being honest, he didn't give a damn about where Nadia was right now. All he could manage to care about was his daughter's recovery.

Still, he went along with it, because rationally he knew that it was important. "But she could still do Cat's bidding.", He pointed out.

"That's highly unlikely. Cat has added security now, if anyone tries to communicate with her again, it'll always be supervised.", JJ replied and it was good news, even if Reid couldn't bring up any enthusiasm. There was a tiny part of his mind that kept insisting that there was something they were missing, something important. But he couldn't bring himself to care enough to analyse that further.

The World Is A Curse || Spencer Reid 's daughter || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now