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"How old is she?", Reid heard himself ask. They were back at the conference room. Reid felt numb and cold all over. He knew that Max was holding his hand, squeezing it, but he could barely feel it. He was staring at a mugshot of Maeve Adams. That's how they found her, she had a record. She was younger in the picture, still a child, no makeup, just angry eyes and a face covered in tear tracks.

"16. She was born on the 25th may 2017 and put into foster care.", JJ said but her voice sounded like she was far away. So it was her, it was the baby.

"Cat said she lost the baby.", Max said what Reid was thinking

"She lied.", Emily returned or maybe it was JJ, Reid was too far away.

"Maeve stayed with one family until she turned 5 and they got a kid of their own. After that she got send around a lot.", Poe started to explain, the young man pulled pictures and records up on the screen. Proof of Maeve's life, proof or Reid's failure. "According to her file she had a lot of behavioural issues growing up. Teachers and foster parents described her as good with peers and highly intelligent but her grades were subpar. One teacher noted that she thought that Maeve might be gifted but unchallanged, causing her boredom and disinterest in class.  She also has trouble with authority. She ran away multiple times, got into fights with teachers and then at 14 she took a bat to a her foster-fathers car. After that she spend 3 months in juvie and once she got released she was supposed to get picked up by her social worker. Instead someone else must've gotten to her sooner because when her social worker showed up she was gone and nobody saw her ever since.", Poe finished. Reid couldn't talk, he couldn't think, all that he could do was stare at the pictures of Maeve, the one from her first arrest 2 years ago and the one from today. The girl in the first picture looked bitter and angry, the girl in the second picture was smiling but she looked dead inside.

"That must've been Nadia.", Max said and Reid could feel her tightening the grip on his hand. He tried to return her squeeze but he wasn't sure if he was doing it.

"Yes, that's what I'm suspecting, too. That Nadia acted on Cat's orders and raised Maeve for the last two years, preparing her for this. ", Emily explained, she gave Reid a worried look, he didn't care.

"But what do they want with her? Why leave her behind?", JJ asked.

Reid looked at the more resent picture. Her hair was lighter than Cat's and darker than his, she was tall and lanky like him but her eyes and lips were Cat's. She looked like her, she looked like Reid, she looked like them-

"They don't care about her. She's just a tool to them. " Reid couldn't even tell who was speaking at this point, maybe it was even himself. All that he could do was think about how Maeve was here and that he was 16 years late. Maybe it was too late for her but he didn't want to believe that. If he believed that then Cat would win.

The World Is A Curse || Spencer Reid 's daughter || Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now