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The rest of the weekend went by pretty uneventfully. That didn't mean that Maeve's anxiety didn't built up continually until Monday morning.

She hadn't been to school in over two years and as much as she hated Nadia's place, she didn't miss school at all.

It's not that she hated learning, she was just bad at it. No matter how much she tried, she just couldn't do anything right.

It used to be pretty shitty already but at least no one expected her to succeed at anything. The only person she was disappointing was herself. But now... Now it turned out that she had a father who was a goddamn kid prodigy and expected her to not be completely useless.

Maeve would try to be better this time, to work harder, but she knew that eventually she'd disappoint him. Spencer, for some unfathomable reason, seemed to believe in her. That was a new feeling, and as reluctant as Maeve was to actually trust him, she didn't want to loose it.

"Are you nervous?", Ely asked as they made their way to his car Monday morning.

"Huh?", She asked, snapping back to reality. She might've zoned out a little.

"First day of school.", Charlie elaborated before climbing into the passenger seat. He had stayed over the entire weekend, only going back to his place to get more clothes. Not necessarily for himself but for Maeve.

It turned out that Charlie's thing was fashion and since Maeve owned a total of 3 outfits and Charlie owned a surprising amount of women's clothing that he made himself, he had decided to give her a make-over. Now she was wearing black cullotes, a Hawaiian shirt that Maeve fell in love with and one of Charlie's leather jackets. She wouldn't lie, it had been pretty enjoyable to have both Ely and Charlie fuss over her all day yesterday. But now she was back to being miserable.

"I'm bursting with excitement.", She replied sarcastically before getting into the backseat.

"Do you have a driver's license?", Charlie asked, seemingly out of pure curiousity.

"Nope, I tend to demolish cars, not drive them. ", Maeve replied which was true and a little too honest but still seemed less awful than saying that she spend the last two years locked up in a closet.

"Why do I feel like this wasn't a joke?", Charlie smirked, glancing back at Maeve.

"Because it wasn't. What about you?", She asked and Charlie gave her a too bright smile. It wasn't like his goofy smile. It wasn't happy, it made him look like a shark.

"My license got taken away because of my DUIs.", He then replied and Maeve understood where the sharp smile stemmed from. That was something she had noticed about Charlie. He was quick to smile but when the topic turned into something uncomfortable, instead of admitting it, he just pretended that it didn't bother him. He was a bad liar though.

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