Ch 11

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Did he used to live around here before?

"My old owner and I used to live around here." Duke tells I'm right.

"Duke, man, wait. Did you used to have an owner?" Max says.

"Of course he would have! I mean he already knows how to live in a house and walk on a leash, he's obviously had an owner who's done that...besides he had to have come from somewhere.." I explain to my brother.

"Betty's right and it was a long time ago. I don't want to talk about it." Duke tells us with a sad face.

"Yes, you do. Come on." Max tries to encourage him.

"Max...maybe we shouldn't..." I tell him.

"What do you mean Betty? This could be a chance!" Max says excitedly.

"A chance? A chance for what, Max?" I ask him in a suspicious tone...I feel like I know what his up to.

"You know...." Max says.

"No, I don't....what are you planning Max?" I demanded.

"You his owner! To find him his home again!" Max answers.

"Hmm..." I hum in suspicion.

"Why! What do you think I'm doing!" He yells....I think he is really planning something. I mean why is he getting offended? Is it because I'm accusing him? Pushing the matter?

"I think your planning going to try and get rid of him but in a more humane way." I say bluntly...that is what I really think.

" that what you really think?" Max asks in a quiet voice.

"Yes." I can't lie to him.

"Oh...okay...I know I should feel sad...but I feel angry at you." Max says.

"Oh? And why is that? I haven't tried to get rid of's not like me to." I say.

"Really? How do we really know that?" Max demands. What?

"What do you mean?" I ask him. What does he mean?

"Are you really who you say you are? We don't even know who you are...what your past's lied to us our whole life....lied to me." Max states. What the-

"Is that what YOU think?" I ask...he nods his head...

"We'll, I'll just have to say..your an idiot." I state.

"Wh-!" I cut him off.

"I have never lied to you! And you've never ask me about my life or who I am. You just assumed!" I yelled back.

"I never asked you? You would think you would tell us because you trust us..." max says with a glare. Trust? I trust you guys to ask me...I trust you to be there for me...I guess....I was wrong, huh?


"...." He is really stubborn about this....isn't he? I would tell him but he's being a mean jerk...and I want to not tell him, out of spite.

"You want to know so bad you would break up this little family we have?" I demanded.

"Yes." Max answers.

"Then your more of a jerk than I thought." I tell him.

"You know what? I won't tell you. If your going to be a jerk and lose my trust than fine. I'll tell you in my own time." He know about my life if he's like this...he'll just judge me. I walked out of the room and sit by the door....waiting for them.

Why can't I ever do anything right? I always end up losing the animals I love....did...did...did was I wrong to assume he would do that to Duke? No, I'm not...I think I'm not. With Max, I'm not sure.

He's always been so impulsive. He never thought of the consequences and rushed in...he always blurted words out and hurt the others feeling....but maybe I shouldn't always just to conclusions? I thought he would get rid of his brother by bringing him home and back to his I the mean one?

"I don't know. But you know what? He was so cool." Even now.

Who would separate two partners from each other?

"Yeah. He was the best. Man, we had fun. We'd play fetch. We'd go for walks. We'd take naps. We were both big nappers.

Duke clearly misses his owner, so maybe...maybe we should reunite them...for them to see each other again. Then Duke can make his decision to stay or go.

I got out one night, chasing a butterfly, or a car. By the time I had caught up with it and ate it..." Duke says...he clearly regrets leaving his owner,

"Probably a butterfly, then." Max says.

"Yep, most likely a butterfly." I whisper. I agree it was a butterfly but I wouldn't agree with Max...I'm still mad at him.

"I realized I was so far away from my home I couldn't find it. A few days later, I was picked up by Animal Control. I had a great thing going. But I had to go and mess it up." Duke says.

"No. No. No, you didn't mess it up. You were just having fun. You couldn't have known that would have happen." I tell him.

"Duke! How about we go to your house." Max say happily.

"Nah." Duke says....he sounds like he wants to but he shouldn't. Oh, Duke....

"Your owner's gonna be relieved!" Max says...I mean any owner who loves their pet would be...I hope his owner misses him.

"Will he?" Duke questions.

"Yeah!" Max yells.

"If he loves you and by the way you talk about him, it sounds like he really cares for you." I finish firmly. I, only doing this for Duke, not Max.

"But he never came for me. Maybe he... Maybe he didn't like me." Duke says, clearly rethinking it.

"No. He probably couldn't find you or maybe he just couldn't because he was sick or something." I tell him...oh no. What if...what if he died? The way Duke speaks of him, he sounds old.

"Of course he liked you. He was your owner. I mean, he's probably worried sick!" Max says to him. Maybe we should...

"I don't know." Duke says. Or maybe we shouldn't...if he did pass on than that would just break Duke's heart.

"Well, I do know and we're going! Your owner's gonna freak! I'm freaking out just thinking about it." Max says...mmm, or he is alive and is worried about him...well. This could be a happy ending or a closure Duke needs.

"Okay. Let's do it!" Duke says hyped up.....and then the dog catchers came in....

(Flashback ends)

Yeah, that pretty much happened.

"There they are!" The mustache man yells. They start to chase us and cornered us. Oh man.....

"All right, doggy, come on." The chubby man says. He tries to reach for me...

"Grrr! Back off!" I bark out.

"Woah, there girl!" Chubby tries to calm me down but I just dodge his hands. Wait, look! An opening!

"Come on guys!" I yell to the other two and ran for the opening.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mustache man yells out as we zoom pass.

"Where do you think you're going? Come back here, you dogs!" Mustache yells out before we knock into a tower of boxes...which falls on them they'll be fine...yeah...probably....

A/n: Hello! It's your lovely author! Jk, it is your author. Nothing lovely about her...anyways! Here's a chapter that I hope you love!

-Sincerely, shontobears54653

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