Ch 12

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"Where do you think you're going? Come back here, you dogs!" Mustache yells out before we knock into a tower of boxes...which falls on them they'll be fine...yeah...probably....

"So, do you live around here?" I ask Duke.

"Yup." Duke responds.

"Hmm, nice neighborhood." I say.

"Yeah..."Duke trails off.

"You okay?" I ask him."

"Yup! I'm good! All good!" Duke says as he gets antsy as we get closer to his home.

"Okay...." I'm not sure he's okay.



"...." This is awkward.

"Okay, so, uh, how do I look?" Duke finally ask as he fills the awkward silence.

"You look great." Max tells him truthfully.

"How do I smell?" Duke asks again.

"Like a dog, Duke. Relax, man." Max tells him bluntly.

"Duke...calm down. You look okay and smell okay." I tell....okay I lied. He smells like the sewer. I had to lie! If I told him he stunk than he wouldn't be here, he would have ran off.

"There it is." Duke breathes

"It's a nice house, Duke." I tell him.

"Well, go on up. Go scratch at that door." Max tries to encourage him but looks like it doesn't work.

"Remember that sausage factory? That was fun, huh?" Duke say as he is hesitant.

"Are you stalling?" I ask Duke.

"No. Why do you think that? Let's have a long talk about why you think I'm stalling." Duke asks me like he's offended. Please, your anything but offended.

"You are stalling." I state.

"...." He knows I'm right.

"Duke, you have nothing to be nervous about. Your owner is going to be thrilled to see you." Max says as he encourages him to continue on.

"Okay." And his encouragement works but something seems wrong...

"Huh. That car is new." Duke says....something is wrong.


"Cat!" I yelled out...hey, after our last experiences with cats, I'm gonna be wary from now on....but he does have nice eyes...

"Ahhh!" Max screams out while Duke flinches back in surprise.

"Can I help you?" The cat with beautiful blue eyes says.

"No. We're good, thanks." Duke responds with distrust strong within his voice.

"You're not good. You look dirty. And I'm gonna have to ask you to get off my lawn before I get, um, what you have." The cat tells us bluntly...rude.

"This is my lawn." Duke states back firmly.

"Duke, maybe we should go." Max says as he senses the tension in the air.

"Maybe we should go...something is not right." I tell him.

"And why would Fred get a cat? He hates cats. That's one of the things I love about him." Duke says as he ponders what's going on....oh no...i think I know what's wrong..

"Fred? The old guy? He, um... He died." The cat tells Duke as he now looks at him with I was right...

"Duke, let's go." I tell him.

"Duke, maybe I made a mistake, saying we should come here. Let's go." Max says as he knows what's going on now.

"You're a liar!" Duke shouts to the cat than turns to Max and I.

"Max! Betty! Cat's lie all the time. Don't fall for it!" Duke yells to us. He's in denial...

"Duke..." I trail off...but a car drives in.

"Who are they?" Duke asks immediately...he doesn't recognize these strangers.

"Hey, this is my home. Go away!" Duke yells as he start braking at them.

"Duke!" I yell as I ran after him.

"Duke, it's time to go. Duke, let's go! Come on! This isn't your home anymore." Max tells him.

"Duke! We need to go! Now!" I demanded.

"Why did you bring me here, Max?" Duke shouts at Max.

"Hey! It's not his fault! He was just trying to cheer you up!" I yelled at him.

"And you! How could you go along! I thought I could trust you!" Duke yells out...what?

"Me! Your blaming me?! I went along because I thought it could make you happy! That you would get some closure knowing your owner was okay or something!" I yelled back.

"But he's not okay...he's gone." Duke trails off..

"And I knew guys were trying to get rid of me..."Duke says like he finally found the truth.

"You were trying to get rid of me!" Duke yells out.

"What!? No we wer-!" I tried to explain.

"You know what, Duke? I don't need this. I'll see you later." Before Max cut in.

"Let's go, Betty." Max says to me as he walks away...

"Gotcha!" Mustache man! How did they find us! Wait..the family! They ratted us out! Than again, they did feel threatened by Duke.

" Come on, settle down!" Aw, crap! I forgot about Max!

"I'm coming, Max!" I shout and ran to him...but I forgot another important lesson I learned from the streets...

"Don't try to be a hero...."

"Ack!" I yelp out as I was grabbed by the other dog catcher.

"Betty! Max!" Duke yells out before he ran to help us..but he couldn't help me. I was already put into the van...Max! Did he get away?! How about Duke!


My answer was soon answered as the door were pried open again...but this time Duke was thrown in.

"Duke!" I yell out in shock.

"Finally got you, big fella." Mustache man says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on." The chubby one says as he throws Duke into one of the other kennels.

"And if it the stray that avoided the pound for years?" Mustache man says...oh no. He knows it's me...does that mean....

"This is it for you two....." He says.

Yup...he knows it is me and how my time has come.....

A/n: Hey! Psst! Guess what! The stories almost prepared for that...oh she's not going to die! Don't think that! I'm talking about the movie! Anyways that's it! The other chapter!

-Sincerely, shontobears54653

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