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After James left, the girls finally ate their lunch in silence. Luna knew what happened between Lucy and James so she decided to let her bestie eat in peace to gather her thoughts.

While Luna was busy eating her lunch, Lucy was busy pushing back the thoughts about her love life. Yes she adored James but she won't call him her first love because Theo owns that title. She remembered her first boyfriend, she thought he was finally the one but ofc those were just thoughts.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU WOMAN? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY PLAYING WITH THE GANG RIGHT NOW" His aggressive manner made Lucy flinch. Luke became more toxic as the weeks go by, he became more aggressive towards his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, I thought you weren't busy" She felt inferior towards her boyfriend, she couldn't understand why he's acting that way. He never gave her assurance, their communication is a wreck. Each week she hears from one of her friends that he's flirting with some other girls.


"Where's Lucy?" her brother figure, Adrien asked one of her classmates as he entered the busy classroom. Her class was busy preparing for their upcoming Christmas Party tomorrow. Apparently Adrien's teacher has an important event to go to so their Christmas Party was earlier than Lucy's.

"What's up?" She stated as she finished hanging the garlands. Something's wrong, she thought, seeing that Adrien's eyes were full of sympathy. She noticed he felt uneasy and fidgety while she's waiting for an answer to her question.

"He's dancing with Christine" He finally gave her the answer that she was waiting for after he mustered all the courage and strength he had. He doesn't like the sight of her sister figure breaking into pieces because of his insensitive toxic best friend. He knew their relationship was toxic and there was no point in staying in a sinking ship but he still remained silent because he knew that she needs to be the one to realize that.

He's what? No that's preposterous , thoughts like that invaded her mind. "What do you mean he's dancing with Christine?" That can't be possible, she's a trusted friend, she wouldn't dare to do such a thing. She knows how much I love Luke. At this point I'm just denying the situation that's happening right now.

"Lucy, he's dancing with Christine right now at our Party" Once the words left his mouth, he saw his sister slowly fall apart. If he weren't my best friend, I would've punched him already.

"Everything okay Lulu?" I asked my best friend who was standing next to Luke. I know something happened because her eyes says it all but I need to know what happened in order to help her. I hope it's not related to Luke because he's already giving her too much pain for her to handle.

"Can you come with me Ana?" I just noticed that my best friend was there, her eyes full of concern and curiosity. I know Adrien wouldn't lie to me but I need to see it myself in order to believe his statement.

Adrien let out a defeated sigh, he knew his sister would want to see it herself but he still hoped that she wouldn't. Ana just nodded at her best friend as they linked their arms and walked out of the classroom, Adrien trailing them.

As they got nearer, they could hear the loud music and cheers from their schoolmates. A bunch of AYIEEEEs can be heard from their spot. Finally Lucy entered the room to see the proof of her brother's statement.


It couldn't be

As she entered the room, she was greeted by the sight of her boyfriend and trusted friend, slow dancing to the song that he dedicated to her. The way Luke stared at Christine made her weak. The way their bodies matched the rhythm of the song. The way they smiled at each other. The way they stared at each other as if they were the only ones in the room. This could only mean one thing, they're have feelings for each other.

My heart broke at the sight of them dancing to the song he dedicated to me. It's over, the ship has already sunk. You betrayed me and I know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt, you talk to her while we were together.

You betrayed me

"So that's why you've been treating me like shit. Turns out I'm not the only one. Adrien and Ana were right, there's no point in staying in a sinking ship" The DJ noticed my presence and turned off the music seeing that he got the hint about what's going to happen.

Looks like they heard what I said since they stopped dancing and stared at me. Christine's eyes showed fear and something else while Luke's stare was just blank.

"You like her"

"No, I love her" Luke said his statement bluntly. Disgust is evident in his eyes and not concern.

"That was supposed to be me, Luke. I can't do anything about it, you already made your decision and I have no choice but accept and respect your decision but just because I accepted your decision, it doesn't mean that what's happening right now isn't hurting me. You're hurting me in a way that will stay with me forever. You gave me a permanent scar. Treat her in a way that you should've treated me. Don't give her the same treatment you gave me. You're finally free, Luke" As I finished that statement, my weak state got worse because now Ana is giving me assistance in order to prevent myself from passing out.

Luke looked like he didn't give a single fuck about what I said and just gave me a blank stare. I left the room with Ana as they continued their party. It's finally over, the ship has finally sunk.


"Hey Lucy you okay?" Luna stated, concern is evident in her voice. Yeah I'm okay, I just wish that someone will actually treat me right, I thought to myself.

"Yeah" I gave her an assuring smile as I finished my meal.

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