The Dead, Dead Poet

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Mr Perry, convinced everyone that Neil, his own son, was dead.
But he wasn't.
He had went to shoot him self in the head that same night after the play. But he had thought of Todd, Mr Keating and the dead poets. He couldn't do that too him, so when he pulled the trigger he let the gun slip from his hand, the billet lodging it's self between his shoulder blade. He screamed out as his Father and Mother raced down to check on him. His mother got him to the hospital, they fixed him up, but Mr Perry decided he wouldn't let  his son back into Welton, he paid large amount of money for people to write up that his son had died.
He told everyone at the school that he was dead,he even got a grave set up, a funeral procession. He told Neil how everyone reacted before he shipped him off to military school.

He spent his last year of schooling there before he knew he had to get out of there, he was being made to do two extra years of military school before he could go to college, legally his father couldn't keep him there if he ran, he had no more legal control over him.

The school was horrible.
He was broken and ruined, the school was horrible, everyday he felt sick, they yelled and screamed at him. He had tried to run away many many times before, every time being tasered and caught, forced fi stay and be locked in his room. He finally found a way out, when they went out to town for a trip, he ran, he was faster he than even the staff. He would run, and run until he couldn't see them following him.

He was free, he couldn't believe it. He was free.
He had planned this for weeks. WEEKS! Maybe even months. And it had worked, being so prepared, meant he had used the small bag he was aloud to bring with him on the trip to his advantage. He packed a thick sweater in the bottom of it, he also packed his wallet, his parents would send him money every fortnight as was required by the school, he would save half of it every time so he had now saved up enough to by food, a few clothes and a train ticket back to Vermont.
He wasn't sure where he would go, he had nowhere, but he knew he had to try, maybe he would run into the poets. He didn't fully believe he would. But he could, he might. And he really wanted to.


Todd was broken, after he found out Neil had died. He was heart broken, he had fallen in love with the boy, but now.. there was no chance for anything more to happen between them.
He still didn't believe it was Neil, he knew his father had something to do with it, he had to. There was no chance it wasn't his fault. Neil was happy with life, he loved living... but when he thought about his father, when his father visited that changed.
So it had to be his father, there was no way. No way, he had nothing to do with it.

Todd was taking it the hardest, Charlie and Knox confirmed in each other a lot, trying to help each other, having known Neil the longest.
Meeks and Pitts took a break from their hobbies of making radios and other cool things, they just didn't feel up for it after losing someone so important to them.

After Neil had passed, Todd and the others poets never brought up meetings, or poetry in general, they hung out, comforted each other.
Todd and Charlie got closer, sure before they were friends but now, they were sometimes inseparable the two hanging out and talking  about how important Neil was to them.
They hated all classes, English was never the same. Because without their captain, without their Neil, it wasn't enjoyable, Todd never showed off his great poetry skills, like he had that one class with Mr Keating.
Todd still wrote poetry, it was just sad, extremely sad and guilt ridden.

In the last semester of the last year, Charlie brought the dead poets back up, convincing them to go to another meeting, they enjoyed it, but it wasn't the same. They continued to having meetings every few weeks, it was extremely rare, but it definitely happened, when it did, they would always have a time were they cried, cried for the loss of their friend, that would last a while, until one boy decided they shouldn't be crying, but remembering him and celebrating his life, they would share stories and start laughing, smiling as they thought about the boy. Some meetings they didn't do anything, just sat there, quietly, mourning their friend, it would be a surprise, but Charlie and Todd would sit right next to each other, most of the time on the days it was silent and they were crying they would be hugging.
"I miss him." That was how the silent meetings always started. Then someone would burst out in tears. Not able to continue the meeting like usual, they sat and cried. That's all they would do.


Neil had gone to the shops, already having shoes and a jumper he only needed to buy a pair of pants and a plain white t-shirt, needed to get out of the uniform, which would give away where he went to school, and whoever found him would send him back. So he went straight to the nearest clothes shop, getting what he needed before getting changed into his new clothes, and throwing out his uniform, he brought a train ticket and went straight to Vermot. He would buy food when he got there, and find somewhere safe he could stay until he could find someone he knew.

Neil sat in the train for a while until it was finally his stop, he got out and looked around with a sigh, smiling as he started to walk through his hometown, he knew a few people, but as he passed them he kept his head down, not wishing to be caught. Or to scare anyone too much.
He passed the Amin town and started to walk closer to Welton, he felt a pull to go there, but he knew he shouldn't, so as he got closer he changed paths to go to the woods, knowing it was safer then staying on the streets.

And so he put his stuff down against a tree, he went back to town, buying rope and a sleeping bag before going back and setting up camp, hoping he could survive on his own. This was going to be a bit harder than he thought before hand.

** hello! Here's the start to my new story! I hope you like it so far and that this is interesting and makes you want to read more!
Hope you have a nice day! I love feedback!**

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