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Neil had written the letters, one to each poet. One to Todd, one to Charlie, one to Cameron, one to Meeks, one to Pitts, and one to Knox.

He was now walking towards the grave tears, hands shaking as they held onto papers, he told deep, short and measured breaths.
He couldn't help but over think. Was he doing the right thing? Should he just leave it? Start a new life? Did his.. could he even call them friends anymore? He hadn't seen them in over a year. He had no right to assume they would still care about him, let alone want to be friends still.

Neils join his head, shaking himself out of those thoughts, he couldn't think like that, he just couldn't. He needed to have some hope.

He opened up Todd's letter as he walked, wanting to make sure it was perfect.

I can't believe how long it has been since I have been able to see you. I remember what you look like, but I have a feeling you have changed maybe grown taller? Grown your hair out? You could have been devilled a bit of a beard for all I know.
Yes it's been a year... buts o much can change in a year. I mean look at me, well if you could see me. My hair now comes down to my cheeks, I have the slightest shadow on my face, it might just develop into a bread.. but I don't want that.

But that's besides the point, I've began to ramble.. in a letter... somehow.
I haven't even introduced myself yet... but maybe you remember my hand writing... it's Neil... I've missed you Todd.

I didn't die... I know my father told you I did.. but I'm alive... I'm struggling but im alive. He sent me to military school, for a year, well it was going to be longer but I ran... I couldn't stand it there.

I don't know if you'll get this note.. but I needed to write to you. To all of you. If you do get the note... I've missed you. And I'm alive.. I'm hiding out at Welton, hopefully our paths cross soon enough.

-Neil Perry

Neil finished the note, folding it perfectly again and opening Charlie's letter.


I've missed you... it's Neil, I know it's been a year, and you guys may not visit my grace much, you guys might be over me, but I needed to reach out to you guys, I needed to get in contact.

I've been hiding out-

Neil closed the letter quickly, he couldn't stand to continue reading them. His heart was racing with anxiety and doubt.

He was going to do this. He was going to visit his own grave, and place the notes down then leave. He was going through with this. He was going to go through with this.

Neil repeated that sentence in his head, as he walked to the graveyard. He got there and froze. He was really doing this.


Knox, Charlie and Todd had all fallen asleep on the couch. When the three woke up the next morning, in a staggered pattern they all felt pretty good. Knox was up first as always, he brewed coffee for all of them, making himself toast, not trusted with the stove after the last incident.

Charlie woke up next, which was a massive surprise, he thanked Knox for the coffee and then grabbed an apple for breakfast the two chatting until Todd woke up.

Todd felt better this morning, happier. He got up and took his coffee and a piece of toast as well, before sitting down next to Charlie who was sitting at their bar stools.

The three talked about what they were going to do, Charlie and Knox decided they should go to visit Neil, Todd seemed better.

Todd agreed, telling them they needed to visit Neil. He was gla to have the house to himself that day anyways. So when the two other boys left the apartment Todd sighed.

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