Chapter 7

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Bunnymund's paws pounded the ground as he dashed through his underground tunnel at breakneck speed. He was on his way back to the willow grove where the other guardians were waiting for his return.

Yesterday, North had called all of the guardians together to his place at the North Pole under orders from the Man-in-the-Moon. Manny had cast a strange shadow on the floor in the shape of this mainland and its island. Using North's globe to find their location, all four of them had rushed down and had chosen the grove as their hiding place. Nothing seemed to be happening. The only significant thing that was coming up was the birthday celebration. After a heated debate, they agreed on waiting a little longer to see if anything important were to happen. And something did. That evening, they all heard the explosion, saw the fire, and heard the shouting. Because he could get closest with his tunnels, Bunny was chosen to scout out what was going on.

He had gotten as close as he could and still stayed hidden. Even with his limitations, Bunny could tell that some sort of war was going on and the people on that island were in trouble. He hurried back though his tunnels and up to the hideout as fast as he could.

Things were going smoothly until his hyper-sensitive ears picked up something. He halted and listened intently. Feet pounded the ground above his ears. Two people, he estimated from the sound of it. But there was also the galloping noise of an animal he couldn't identify. Guessing which way the runners were headed, Bunny darted down a side tunnel and poked his head out of a hole he created.

Two teenagers ran through the woods followed by . . . what was that thing? They hadn't disappeared for very long before a whole mob of men crashed through the underbrush. Bunnymund quickly ducked into his tunnel and closed the hole. He listened as the pursuers stampeded by on the surface.

 That was odd, I must say. Bunnymund turned back down his tunnel branch to get back to his main one. He took only one hop before stopping. Those little tykes won't stay ahead of those men for much longer... I'm sure they'll be fine.

He started hopping again, but hesitated when he came to the branch entrance. But in your oath, you promised to protect the children of the world, his conscience chided him.

  Well, they're not really children, he reasoned. And I'm not supposed to get involved face-to-face with children.

You gave your word.

Bunnymund groaned and turned back down the tunnel branch. "I know I'm gonna regret this," he muttered.


Merida and Hiccup were backed up against the dead end of a ravine. Toothless had his back to them as he crouched and growled at their hunters. The men were charging down the ravine and notching their arrows.

Just as Hiccup saw the arrows lining up with his throat, a giant thing popped out of the ground in front of Toothless. I'm hallucinating. That looks like a giant rabbit!

This hallucination threw something at the archers' feet. Suddenly, a great cloud of pastel colors surrounded the hunters and filled their throats, causing them to cough. The rescuer leaped over Toothless and landed between Hiccup and Merida. Now, Hiccup was sure it was a rabbit. But it's just not possible!

The rabbit grabbed Hiccup in one arm and Merida in another. In one great jump the rabbit soared over Toothless and landed in the color cloud. Powder filled Hiccup's nose and throat, temporarily blinding him. He felt the rabbit fly through the air again and land very roughly. Their rescuer hopped out of the cloud and out of the ravine. Toothless jumped onto an archer and launched himself out of the cloud.

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