Chapter 20

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The Wesel ships followed the coast up past Corona, getting caught at the edge of a storm in the Northern Sea. After a day-long struggle, the ships split ways for Scotland and Berk. Both countries were in disorder with the lack of leadership, but neither was nearly as badly damaged as Corona. Questions were asked about their absence, but the leaders first wanted to get everything as it had been before the attack. Within a week, the adventure was being added to the histories of both countries.

The Coronans were granted a piece of land across the water from their original country. King Gerald had claimed the small peninsula for Weselton, but no colony had ever come of it. The Coronans remained in Grimsby until proper housing could be built in the new land. 

As soon as the Wesel ships returned from the north, King Charles took men and supplies across the strait to the peninsula. He followed a wide river into the peninsula and settled at the base of a mountain range. Although there was some work on building the castle, the king focused his energy on creating homes for his people.

During the first year of development, Rapunzel and Jack Frost were married with a very small wedding. People congratulated their beloved princess on her marriage, but grew concerned when she never could produce her husband. She would insist he was here or there, but no one saw him. Of course, sometimes Jack wasn't around because he was out spreading winter in the world. Yet he tried not to stay away too long from Rapunzel.

Over a year after Corona's destruction, the citizens moved into their new homes. Since the castle wouldn't be completed for four more years, the royal family stayed in an inn at the new country. The people decided to leave the memory of Corona behind and begin anew. The new country was named Arendelle.

A year before the castle was finished, Rapunzel gave birth to her first child, a girl named Elsa. As Jack held his child for the first time, a tear formed at the corner of his eye; it would have fallen if he hadn't wiped it away. Greater was his joy when his daughter started using ice powers just like him.

At last the castle was completed. King Gerald ceased to send resources but still traded with the new country. He spread the word to neighboring countries about Arendelle.

Arendelle exported dyes and beautifully printed fabric, but their main export was ice. It was easily accessed in the mountains and very valuable to the warmer southern countries.

However, not all was right in Arendelle. Queen Helena, although she never grew worse, never fully recovered her health. Her weak immune system couldn't fight off whatever she had caught in the prison basement. A day wouldn't go by without her coughing at least once. She couldn't participate in aerobic activities, but that didn't stop her from spending time with her granddaughter and teaching Rapunzel how to be a princess.

Rapunzel was very happy with her new life. While she introduced herself as "Rapunzel," she would still respond if her parents called her "Eliza." She was a kind and wise princess and well-loved by her subjects.

She loved spending time in the meager but growing library. She would not only read to Elsa (the girl's favorite being the story about the magic golden flower), but also immerse herself in the maps of far off places. After spending eighteen years in a tower, Rapunzel was eager to see those countries. Not just Scotland and Berk but farther north and south and everywhere. She was reading so much about the world, but there was so much more out there, just waiting for her to discover it. Once in a while, Jack would take her on a little vacation to see some parts of the world. However greatly Rapunzel enjoyed these trips, she always remembered her duties and would return home.

Her hair grew out again but not nearly as long as before. Every week, at least one person would comment how much she looked like her mother. In fact, Rapunzel would often stand in for her mother if the queen was feeling especially poor. Personally, Rapunzel guessed her mother was often using this excuse to get out of boring meetings and to spend more time babysitting Elsa.

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