Chapter 13

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Because it would be unfair for two to ride the horse and the third to walk, all three teens walked the bay back to the orchard, Merida leading the horse while Astrid and Hiccup walked beside her.

"You sure know how to fight," Merida complimented Astrid. "I'm glad you're on our side."

Astrid paused. "Thanks," she answered uncertainly, "I guess."

"You're not with us?" Merida asked, partly joking.

"Yes. Well, I mean, I am on your side, but I don't remember the fighting part. At least I think I don't."

"What do you mean?" Hiccup asked.

"All of my time as . . . under that . . . in that state is very vague to me. I don't remember most of it, just bits and pieces like walking down a hall or sailing on the water."

"Like in a dream," Merida added.

"More of a nightmare really," Astrid said quietly.

Hiccup hesitantly reached out to pat her spiked shoulder, unsure if she would accept the show of affection from him. "I-It's all right, Astrid." When she didn't smack it away, he spoke with more confidence. "That's all over now."

Astrid scrunched her eyebrows at Hiccup's hand on her shoulder cover. Hiccup quickly removed his hand. "All I remember for sure," Astrid continued, facing forward again, "is darkness and fe . . ."

"Fear?" Hiccup offered.

Astrid narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm a Hofferson!" she snapped. "Hoffersons don't know the meaning of the word!" She whipped her head back to the front. Then, her features softened, and she brushed her bangs off her face (though they fell right back). "Maybe a little. But," her voice regained confidence, "out of nowhere, I felt your touch, and . . . I felt a little braver. The darkness faded, and here we are."

"So," Merida interjected, "you're sayin' the touch of a friend chased away the darkness?"

"Aww," Hiccup teased, "I'm flattered, Astrid." However, he couldn't help the slight blush coloring his cheeks.

Astrid jabbed her elbow into his arm. He yelped and rubbed his injury.

"Hoi!" Merida snapped defensively. "Knock it off!" Astrid looked in surprise at Merida who quickly changed to teasing to lighten the mood. "I'm the only one allowed to hit him."

Astrid grinned. "Not from where I'm standing."

The rain ceased before they had arrived at their destination. When they did get there, they found both work forces (the Orchard's and the Vineyard's) helping each other fill large packs and filling up a wagon pulled by two spotted gray horses. Hiccup saw Mr. Faison helping his younger daughter into the back of the wagon and ran over to him. "Mr. Faison, what's happening? Where are you going?"

The Orchard Master turned his blue eyes to the young Viking. "We're leaving for Weselton." Merida handed the horse lead to a passing worker and hurried to Hiccup's side. Astrid followed slowly, taking everything in.

Hiccup ran his fingers through his hair. "But you ca – . You can't just leave like this. You're all we've got."

"I've got a family to look after, lad." Mr. Faison placed a meaty hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "When you have one of your own someday, you'll understand."

Hiccup shifted from foot to foot as his face grew warm. Suddenly he remembered. "Toothless," he said urgently. "Where's Toothless?"

Just then, Ria came running up. "Hiccup! I'm so glad you're back!" She leaned heavily on her knees and gasped for breath. "It's . . . It's your dragon."

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