Chapter 18

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The group in the secluded woods soon followed the Faisons into the open. Jack flew off to find Rapunzel while Hiccup and Merida hobbled out of the trees. Toothless crawled slowly after his beloved rider with the triplets riding in the saddle. Queen Elinor carried the coiled braid over one shoulder and Astrid's arm on her other shoulder. The queen was torn between staying with her daughter and finding her husband.

Jack spotted Rapunzel crossing the bridge with her parents. He swooped down and landed in front of them. "Rapunzel!" he called out with a smile.

Rapunzel's face lit up when she saw him. "Jack!" She ran to him and hugged him. They looked into each other's eyes. "We're finally back together." Jack leaned in for what may have been a kiss.

Her parents glanced at one another. Why was their daughter talking to no one? The king cleared his throat. "Uh, Eliza. Will you please help your mother to the shore?"

Embarrassed that she had forgotten her parents, Rapunzel turned back and came to her ill mother. She hooked her arm in her mother's and walked her across. The queen coughed and straightened up. "I'm sick, not old." She walked a little faster, pushing the pace.

As the group passed Jack, he whispered in Rapunzel's ear, "She looked like you just then."

Rapunzel shushed him but couldn't help smiling.

On shore, Hiccup brought Merida to Mrs. Faison. She was dabbing alcohol on cuts on a Viking's face. Sandra sat beside her. "Momma, after this one, can we light the lantern?" She held up her prize. "I saved it." She beamed, feeling very grown-up for remembering.

"Honey, Momma's busy." Mrs. Faison put away the alcohol. "Ask me later." She saw Hiccup and Merida standing nearby. "Now didn't I just treat you earlier?" she asked Merida, her green eyes glinting mischievously.

"Just an arm patch job," Merida replied breathlessly as Hiccup set her down on the grass.

North gently pushed his way through the crowd to Hiccup. "Well, we came and did what we needed to do, so now we'll be shipping off." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder.

Mr. Faison stepped up next to North. "We thank you, sir, for all your help."

"Don't thank me," North chuckled as he shook Mr. Faison's good hand. "Thank him." North nodded at Hiccup. "It was all his planning."

When the Russian headed off to his sleigh, Mr. Faison smiled fondly at the boy who had intruded into his home and life a few days ago. "Thank you." He made a slight bow. Hiccup bowed back.

North jumped into the front seat of his sleigh. "Come on, Bunny!" He took hold of the reins and waited as Tooth and Sandy climbed aboard. Bunny inched toward the rickety sleigh like it might bite him.

"Not on your life, mate," he growled. "You remember what happened last time."

Tooth leaned over the bannister, her fairies flitting about her head. "Do you think Jack will come with us?" She watched as he walked alongside Rapunzel.

North smiled at the couple. "I think he's staying here."

With that bit of information, Bunny leapt into the sleigh. "I hope he is and that I never have to see that runt again."

North shook the reins, and his reindeer took off through the air. Bunny crouched down in the floor of the sleigh. Tooth watched Jack from the back of the sleigh. "I wouldn't mind seeing him again. He's a nice boy."

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