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It's been 1 month since school started again and I'm loving it I've already met up with my best friends aswell. Ava and Roxanne, we've spend most of our time together but if I wasn't with them I was texting Luke. I feel like I'm getting really close with him and we might someday get a labelled (basically boyfriend and girlfriend).

Today me and Luke are going cinema. Just to clarify this is not a real date it's just two people who like each over going to see a movie. My mum drove me to the cinema and dropped me off because I don't have a car yet.

"Ok honey we're here", she says parking the car, "make sure you do the right things ok and as soon as the movie finishes text me ,you hear?" She questioned. "Yes mother" I say lazily.

Right know I'm waiting for Luke to show but I'm not too worried because I've only been here for 2 minutes so I'll wait a little longer. After a while Luke gets here and we head in the room.


Me and Savannah are in are seats and watching lilo and stitch. I move closer to her just like in cliché movie scenes, she already knows but that doesn't matter. I kiss her cheek and she giggled.

" what are you doing there mr" she spoke. " I have no clue what your talking about" she just rolled her eyes knowing I was joking.

After the movie we wait outside whilst Savannah was texting her mum like she asked to. Because my 17 birthday was coming up I was mentally thinking about what to do, I have friends but I wanted to send it with the girl right next to me.


I finished texting my mum and convinced her to let me and Luke go to the garden park so we were on are way. I was going to hold his hand but hey we have more time to do that.

We sat down on the patio swim chair in the middle of the flowers and talked about all are memories together from when we were younger.

(Flash back)
Me and Luke were in year 4 and in art class I was painting a unicorn and he was painting superhero. I was almost finished with it and a boy called Charlie came up and sprayed water on it with his smiggle water bottle.

" heyy you ruined my picture with a unicorn" I whined, "too bad I was a bad unicorn anyway" he said while blowing raspberries. Then suddenly Luke stepped in to help.

"Leave her alone she didn't do anything you, you jerk" he spoke. "And what are you going to do about it" he spoke over Luke.

After he said that Luke started to push Charlie around. I was just standing there on the side watching until the teacher came in and stopped it.

" hey hey hey Luke get of if Charlie now!" Mr Taylor yelled. "He's was being me though and that's not nice" he said whilst crying.

Mr Taylor yanked him off and took both of the boys to his office the whole time he was walking there was staring at me with cuteness in his eyes. I promise to never ever forget he did that for me.

( end of flash back )

"And I never did forget about it" I smiled to Luke. "Well it was the least I could do he was a big jerk" he blushed.

We sat in the park for a little bit long till we only had 5 minutes left to talk so we had to round up.

"We only have five minutes till my mum picks me up" I spoke "ok" he muttered.

"Just to make it clear I like you I really really like you" he says moving closer to my face. "Oh I know" I smirk, "it kind of sounds like you love me but I'll let that slide". " well, I'm not saying I don't I mean your really perfect and all bu-" I cut him of but forcing my lips to his and he returned it after awhile. I pulled away and looked him in his beautiful hazel eyes and said.

"FaceTime me later at 12pm your lips are really soft and I also like you too" I blushed walking away after kissing Luke on the cheek.

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