Water broke

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"I am getting so big I was supposed to have the baby like 2 weeks ago but no they're too lazy to come out of me thing of the stretch marks I'll get and my stomach will be all saggy and and-" Savannah says crying. "Well I know where they get that from" I mumble under my breath, "hey I'm not lazy it I was I would pee myself every time I need to go to the toilet.

I lean down to talk to the baby and say, "hey little bean I'm saying this the nicest way possible please come out of your mum because your mum is out of control crazy so please come out". Savannah says "we'll if your going to complain can you at least open my vagina so I can be 10 cm dilated or whatever call it" "what are you serious even if I offered to help you would be screaming your head of because all that stuff is supposed to happen naturally or by doctors". "Ok I'm going to walk around the house maybe it will help"

After 5 minutes I her Savannah screaming so I run upstairs to see if she's alright. "What what's wrong" I ask, "my water broke and I'm having really bad contractions". "Ok umm I'll get the hospital bag then we'll go in the car to the hospital" "Yh ok o-" Savannah says cutting herself off by a scream of pain, "ok baby it's ok I'll get you to the hospital know let's go". "Hmhm" she replies crying.

We are at the hospital and there are nurses taking her to a private birth room or at least I know that's what it's called, "Luke hold my hand please" I go to hold her hand then I feel this excruciating pain and let go I'm not breaking my hand, "why did you let go of my hand don't you love me any more?" Savannah asks crying "of course I do but I don't my hand to break you know" then all of a sudden she turns to me like I said the most stupidest thing ever which I probably did, "do I know? Are you stupid I'm freaking giving birth to your child right know with any drugs so yeah I think I know".

Once we settled in the hospital room I'm trying to cheer Savannah up focus on 'trying'. "Ok since as you don't really want my sense of humour" "which you don't have" "harsh but I know you like my Spanish and I will you know you'll be charmed by my handsome features" I tell her smirking, " we'll see give it a try".

"Sabes que te quiero mucho y aunque tus hormonas están locas, te seguiré queriendo igual y podía besarme contigo una vez que ya no estés embarazada. (You know I love you so much and even though your hormones are crazy I still love you the same plus I might make out with you once your not pregnant)" say in Spanish with a wink. Next thing I know I've get Savannah making out with me I know my charms still work. "Ok honey as much as I love this you need to birth a baby" "ok fine i can't hold the contractions in any longer know anyway" she says with a smile.

"Ok Savannah I'm going to need you to push now you 10 cm dilated so in 3 2 1 push" the nurse says and i have to man up know so i grab Savannahs hand. "Ahhhhh it hurts" " I know it hurts Savannah but you need to push again ok come on" the midwife says. "ok ok ill push ahhhhh" she screams I feel awful she's in pain and can't do anything just hold her hand and talk. "I need you to do one more push for me ok" the midwife says. " I can't I'm sorry I can't do it it hurts my vagina is ripping apart" Savannah says basically giving up, finally I have my rolled as the father. "Savannah look at me, look at me you can do this after this it's pain free we'll at least physically" I tell her " fine I just want to get it out of the way" 3 2 1 push. I hear Savannah screaming but then I hear crying the baby's here. "Your baby's here we're just going to clean her up" the midwife says, then I realise "her?" "Yeah congratulations on your new baby girl" the midwife says smiling, "we had a girl aww let me so my girl" Savannah shrieks "she's so beautiful I love her so much and I love your eyes your little tiny green eyes" she baby talks to our daughter. "Let me hold her whilst you sleep I know your exhausted honey" "yeah your right but don't let anyone carry her unless I'm awake ok" "don't worry full daddy inspection".

Once Savannah's asleep I sit next to her whilst holding our daughter she so precious. "You are so adorable and look just like your mummy. I'm going to be a great daddy for you I'll teach you Spanish, make sure the boys stay away and read you bedtime stories before you go to bed". I say talking in a baby voice. After a lifetime of friendship who would know I would be married to my best friend and have a daughter with her.

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