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The only thing Cora Li remembers from last night is blurred tears, a crushing ache in her chest, shades of dull ocean blue desperation, and trying to drink away her pain. She remembers nothing about the very attractive boy standing in the middle of her room. 

Even though Cora just woke up, a headache starting to creep up and disoriented thoughts buzzing everywhere, she can see he's extremely good-looking. Messy brown hair falls into smoldering green eyes, his lips curled into a slight smirk, as if he's saying: Yeah, I look good and I know it. 

"Hey, Cora," he says casually, watching her through lowered lashes. "I know a bunch of pickup lines. Wanna hear one?" 

Cora stares at him. 

"Hello?" The boy waves a hand in front of her face. "Anyone there?" 

Silence. He clears his throat, before continuing. "I'm just going to say the pickup line since I've been dying to use this one. Are you trash?" He pauses for a second. "Because I want to take you out so badly. Like, right now." 

It takes Cora a moment to gather her thoughts. Hot boy. Telling pickup lines. Wearing a T-shirt that says I PAUSED MY GAME TO BE HERE. Oh yeah, and the fact that she has no idea who the hell he is. 

"Stop talking," Cora blurts out, backing away. "I need to think." 

The boy's smirk doesn't falter. "And there she is," he crows. "I thought I was going to have to resuscitate you after you blanked out from seeing all this hot stuff at one time." 

Hot stuff? Really? 

"No, I didn't blank out from seeing all that hot stuff," says Cora, mimicking his deep voice. "I just want answers." 

He pouts. "Fine, okay, I'll answer your questions. As long as you don't ask why I'm so attractive. Other than being born like this, I don't really know." 

Cora's dark eyes narrow. "First, who the hell are you?" she spits back. "Second, why are you in my room? And third, how do you know my name?" 

The boy runs his fingers through his dark hair like he's posing. Cora watches, unimpressed. "What?" she presses. "Am I supposed to be seeing flowers and sparkles surrounding you from your oh-so-amazing good looks?" 

His hands drop immediately. "Yes," he deadpans. "But anyways. One, I'm Asher. Two, you invited me here. Three, you told me last night." 

Last night. The more Cora tries to remember exactly what happened, the more empty memories come sifting through, like sand. 

Cora sighs, tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. It doesn't matter what happened last night. What matters is that the boy is out of her room. 

Asher gives off that alluring and dangerous vibe, from his casual stance to his relaxed smile like he has the world under his control, and it makes Cora even more uneasy. 

"Okay, Asher," Cora says slowly, nodding towards the door. "It's nice to meet you but you're going to have to leave." 

Before Harper gets here and jumps to conclusions, Cora adds silently. My sister will never believe me if I tell her that some stranger just popped in my room. 

"Yeah, about that..." Asher lets the words dangle through the air. "You kind of signed a contract that allowed me to stay in your house until you move on from your boyfriend — correction, ex — and fall in love again." 

Cora's head whips in his direction. "What do you mean?" 

"Exactly what it sounds like. You made a deal with me last night." 

The eighteen-year-old girl sucks in a deep breath, trying to let her disbelief simmer down. "This is totally fine," she mutters. "There's just some random guy who sounds half crazy, telling me I made a deal like he's a devil or something. I'm definitely not freaking out." 

"Actually, you are freaked out," he points out, looking amused. "And I am a devil." 

All thoughts of "calm, rational, and preferably not thinking of whacking someone with an umbrella" flies out of Cora's brain. 

"You're leaving my house right now." Cora tries to sound firm, but the shakiness of her voice gives away how terrified she feels. "I don't care what imaginary contract you made, but you're leaving." 

Asher laughs softly. "You don't believe me, do you?" 

"No." She folds her arms. "Of course I don't believe you. Who would? Especially when you appear at ten in the morning, come to my room, and then claim I signed a deal with you because you're a devil apparently." 

He leans closer and Cora flinches, watching as his gaze turns a degree colder. "You know, my favorite part of this whole deal business is watching humans think I'm stupid or crazy," he says thoughtfully, voice like velvet. "And when I show them the contract they signed, proof that they did make a deal and that I am a devil, I savor the moment when they realize that their whole world is being ripped apart. Devils are real and they're in deep trouble." 

Cora shivers, the room suddenly feeling icy, cold nipping at her exposed skin. 

"Now then." Asher claps his hands enthusiastically. "Do you want to see the contract as proof?" 

Part of Cora is skeptical and the other is dread. A hundred percent of her is conflicted, though, and she hesitates. 

"It's fine," she says forcefully. "I need to get some air." 

"Alright, Angel. I'll miss you in the few hours you're gone." He winks, before falling into a chair. Asher motions towards the laptop on the desk. "Hey, can I borrow your laptop? I want to sing a karaoke." 

"Don't touch my computer, don't touch my notebook, and especially not my textbooks." Cora sends a dark glare in his direction. "Don't. Touch. Anything." 

Asher directs a mournful look in the laptop's direction. "But what about the karaoke?" he asks sadly. 

She shoots a warning look, before exiting out of her room. Then Cora immediately whips back, slamming the door shut. 

"Did you miss me so much that you couldn't bear to be two seconds away from me?" Asher drawls, as a random YouTube karaoke starts playing in the background. 

"No," she hisses. "It's Ryan." 

"Ryan the ex?" A mad glint appears in those tantalizing green eyes of his. "Oh, sweet Jesus, this is going to be fun." 

Author Note: 

hi everyone, and thanks so much for checking out the first chapter! if there's any constructive feedback you'd like to give, definitely feel free to share. here's a random question: based on what you've read so far, what's three words you would use to describe cora and asher? 

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